Page 18 - 2022 Intapp Benefits Guide
P. 18
Benefit costs
Your semi-monthly payroll contributions for medical, dental and vision benefits are shown here.
Kaiser HMO Kaiser HDHP w/HSA*
Medical Cigna OAP (PPO) Cigna HDHP w/HSA*
(CA Employees Only) (CA Employees Only)
Employee Only $66.30 $35.54 $49.49 $27.81
Employee + Spouse/DP $282.49 $156.72 $210.49 $128.49
Employee + Child(ren) $227.19 $142.08 $178.16 $111.25
Employee + Family $430.69 $249.02 $316.72 $191.90
Intapp HSA Contribution Cigna Dental VSP Vision
Employee Only $83.34 Employee Only $2.91 Employee Only $0.52
Employee + Spouse/DP $125.00 Employee + Spouse/DP $11.76 Employee + Spouse/DP $1.60
Employee + Child(ren) $125.00 Employee + Child(ren) $13.25 Employee + Child(ren) $1.64
Employee + Family $125.00 Employee + Family $19.37 Employee + Family $3.37
If enrolled in an Intapp HSA eligible plan, Intapp
will make a per payroll contribution to your HSA
account. Any contributions you decide to make are
separate from the amounts listed above.