Page 18 - 2022 US Benefits Guide FINAL
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Employee Assistance Program Paid Time Off
Because personal issues can affect every aspect of your Regular, full-time employees earn vacation time
life, we automatically provide you and your family with based on years of service. (This excludes primary
an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through and corporate account outside sales representatives
Compsych GuidanceResources at no cost to you. and other employees as designated by Applied
Call the EAP 24/7 for unlimited confidential assistance
with nearly any personal matter you may be
experiencing. You and your family have access to three Annual PTO Entitlement
free consultations with a licensed clinician per incident, Hours shown are yearly totals and may be
per individual, per calendar year. Services include: prorated based on your date of hire (DOH)
• Legal Services: Consultations for issues 10 days (15 days after 5
relating to civil, consumer, personal and family years of service and 20
law, financial matters, business law, real estate, Vacation
estate planning, and more days after 10 years of
• Financial Services: Budgeting, credit and service)
financial guidance, retirement planning, and Sick 6 days
assistance with tax issues
• Free Online Will Preparation: Access forms Floating Holidays 2 days per calendar year
and questionnaire to create your will
• Daily Living Services: Referrals to help with Holidays 9 days + Your Birthday
event planning, transportation services, pet Perfect 1 day (if qualified)
services, and more Attendance
Confidential assistance is available any time by: Milestone Days Awarded after 5, 10, 15,
• Calling 877-595-5281 20, and 25 years of service
• Logging on to Parental Leave 30 days (if qualified)
Company ID: EAPBusiness
Paid Parental Leave
Weight Watchers Paid Parental Leave of six (6) weeks (30 business days)
Applied supports and encourages our employees to is provided to employees who have a new child through
maintain a healthy lifestyle. For some, this includes birth or adoption that occurs during employment.
setting and achieving weight loss goals.
All active, full-time employees (both mothers and
In support of your commitment to lose weight, Applied fathers) are eligible for this benefit upon hire, regardless
will subsidize employee’s memberships to Weight of eligibility for FMLA. Paid Parental Leave must be
Watchers. Weight Watchers offers variety of taken within 12 months of the birth or adoption and
membership options for you to choose from. can be taken all at once or in one-week increments.
Paid Parental Leave is paid at the rate of 100% of the
For more details on which plan might be best for you, employee’s weekly salary for six weeks.
please visit the Weight Watchers US website
at Employees who are eligible for FMLA will need to file for
an FMLA leave to receive Paid Parental Leave. Paid
Please note: The day you register and pay on the website is the day Parental and FMLA leave will run concurrently.
your subscription is activated. Employees who are not eligible for FMLA will need to file
Employees are responsible to pay the cost of the Weight Watchers for a Personal Leave to receive Paid Parental Leave.
program up front but are eligible to be reimbursed up to $15 per a Refer to Applied’s Intranet for further detail or email
month of the cost. To be eligible to receive the $15 reimbursement you Leave Management.
must submit an expense report through the expense system you
have been assigned- Open Air or Concur. Please include the
receipt of the plan you purchased.
For further questions, please contact HR Benefits.