Page 5 - 2022 Fives Landis Corp Benefit Guide
P. 5


     Generally, you may change your benefit elections only
     during the annual enrollment period. However, changes
     to your benefit elections during the year may be made          You must notify Human Resources within 31 days
     if you experience a qualified life event, including:           of the qualified life event. Depending on the type
            — Marriage                                              of event, you may be asked to provide proof of
            — Divorce or legal separation                           the event. If you do not contact Human Resources
            — Birth of your child                                   within 31 days of the qualified event, you will have
            — Death of your spouse or dependent child               to wait until the next annual enrollment period to
            — Adoption of or placement for adoption of              make changes (unless you experience another
                   your child                                       qualified life event).
            — Change in employment status of employee,
                   spouse or dependent child
            — Qualification by the Plan Administrator of a
                   child support order for medical coverage
            — Entitlement to Medicare or Medicaid

                         ENROLLING IN YOUR BENEFITS

     COMPLETE  YOUR  ENROLLMENTS:                                KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR 2022:
     — Log on to ADP at
         If the enrollment page does not display go to tab       Medical Plan: Plan option change, previous $750 plan
         Myself <Benefits<Enrollments.                           has moved to a $1,000 plan option.
     — New Hires:   Enroll within 31 days of date of hire.
     — Open Enrollment: for 2022 elections, enroll               Vision: Coverage remains with VSP.   An Enhanced
         November 3  - 17 .                                      higher coverage level plan has been added (page 8).

     RESOURCE ASSISTANCE:                                        Re-enroll in a Health, Dependent Care or Limited Flex-
     — On ADP: Under Resources< Tools/Resources find             ible Spending Account (FSA), even if currently enrolled
          presentation, videos, summaries, etc.                  -  a new election must be made each year.
     — Voya Plan Information:
     — Direct Path: Call customer service at 866-253-2273        Fives Retirement Savings Plan:  Review information
         or Email:                 in the Open Enrollment checklist on annual auto en-
         See page 10.                                            rollment and auto percent increase – take action as
     — Carrier Contacts: See page 17 for applicable              appropriate.

        A key resource for all your benefit information,
        plan documents, claim forms, phone numbers,
        website links, etc. can be found on ADP under
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