Page 9 - 2022 Fives Landis Corp Benefit Guide
P. 9


     ELIGIBILITY:                                               COVERAGE SUMMARY:
     — You                                                      — No medical questions or medical tests
     — Your spouse – under age 70 (at the time of enrollment)   — Benefits are paid directly to you
     — Your children – to age 26                                — Do not need to be enrolled in a Fives Health Plan
                                                                — Portable – may continue the policy after employment ends
     (Accident and Critical Illness Insurance)                  Log on to: for more
     — Benefit payable of $50 for you and spouse each and       information
        $25 for child(ren) for completing a health screening test.

     Accident Insurance that helps protect you and your family   Critical Illness provides a lump-sum payment if you or a
     from the costs of unexpected injuries and events resulting   covered family member is diagnosed with a covered
     from a covered accident.                                   medical condition and meet the policy and certificate
                                                                requirements.  Examples include: Cancer, Heart Attack,
     Examples of services eligible for benefits:                Stroke, Coma, Kidney Failure and certain diseases.
     — Hospital and Emergency Care due to an accident           (see benefit summary for full details)
     — Common Injuries – lacerations, burns,  concussion
     — Fractures and Dislocations                               Benefits Payable:
     — Surgery, x-rays and physician exams due to the           Employee: $10k, $20k or $30k policy
        covered accident                                        — Employee must enroll in a minimum $10k policy, then
     — An additional 25% benefit if covered accident is the result      spouse and/or children may enroll for any level of
        of an organized sport activity                             coverage.
     — Includes hospitalization due to a sickness               Spouse: $5k, $10k or $15k policy
     — Benefits payable vary based on the services provided     Child(ren): $5k or $10k policy
        due to the covered accident. (see benefit summary for     Cost:  Employee and Spouse premiums are based on
        complete details)                                       age bands. See benefits at a glance.

     Hospital Confinement pays a benefit if you have a covered    Accident Insurance              Bi-weekly
     hospital, critical care or rehabilitation facility stay.          Premium               Low              High
                                                                 Employee Only               $5.44            $7.52
     Benefits are paid for the following:                        Employee + Spouse           $9.77           $13.23
     Daily Benefit Amount:       Initial Confinement Benefit:
     — Low plan: $200                   — Low plan: $1,000       Employee + Child(ren)       $10.61          $15.82
     — High plan: $600                  — High plan: $3,000      Family                     $14.94           $20.53

     Hospital Benefit: 1x daily benefit up to 30 days
     Critical Care Benefit: 2x daily benefit up to 15 days.       Hospital Insurance              Bi-weekly
     Rehabilitation Facility:  .5x daily benefit up to 30 days         Premium               Low              High
                                                                 Employee Only               $9.90           $29.71
     Above is a brief summary of the insurance.  Refer to
     the brochures and certificate of coverage for complete      Employee + Spouse          $22.94           $68.82
     provisions, conditions of benefit determination,            Employee + Child(ren)      $15.42           $46.25
     exclusions and limitations.  The Accident, Hospital and
     Critical Illness Insurance is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance   Family              $28.45           $85.36
     Company, a member of the Voya family of companies.
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