Page 14 - 2022 Fives Landis Corp Benefit Guide
P. 14
Eligibility: The Fives Retirement Savings Plan offers a
convenient way for you to save for the future through
payroll deductions. Full time employees are eligible to
participate in the plan the first day of the month following Company Match: The company will make matching
date of hire. contributions equal to 100% of the first 3% of your
contribution and 50% on the next 3-6%.
Enrollment: To ensure that you do not overlook this Total match potential of 4.5%. Company match is paid each
opportunity, the Fives Retirement Savings Plan will auto- payroll
matically enroll you with a 6% deferral contribution
if you do not make an election or opt out within 30 days
of your hire/rehire date. Each year in January, the plan will Vesting: Vesting refers to your right of ownership to the
auto-enroll participants at 6% who have a 0% deferral Company Match contributions to your account. You are
contribution with an annual opportunity to opt out. immediately vested at 100%.
Investments: A wide range of investment choices are Auto-Increase: Annually each January, the Plan will auto-
available. If you do not actively make a choice, the Plan’s matically increase your deferral contribution by 1% until it
Target Date Funds will be selected on your behalf based on reaches 10%, with an opportunity to opt-out of this feature
your age 65 retirement date. each year.
Contributions: Contributions from your pay can be made Participant Fees: The plan may charge participants certain
as Traditional (pretax), Roth (after-tax) or a combination – fees related to operating the plan such as administration,
up to the IRS annual limit. investing, loan requests and certain distributions.
If you are 50 years of age or older (or if you will reach Other Features: Review the summary plan description for
age 50 by the end of the year), you may make a catch-up information on loans from the plan and eligible withdrawals.
contribution in addition to the normal IRS annual limit. This information can be found on or call
Fidelity customer service with questions.
— Deferral Limit $20,500 (Pretax & Roth) Access Your Account:
— Catch-up Limit is an additional $6,500 (age 50+) Download the Fidelity Netbenefits APP
Web: or
Phone: 800-835-5095
INTERNATIONAL SOS (ISOS): When traveling outside of your home country, Fives Group has partnered with ISOS to
provide medical and security assistance, helping to ensure that your health and safety are taken care of before, during and
after your trip.
— Medical emergency including locating a doctor or hospital; or if you forgot your prescription medicine.
— Security questions or concerns; including lost wallet or passport, translation support, etc.
Obtain an ISOS travel card before leaving for your out of country trip.
Customer Service: 1-215-942-8226
11 Business Travel Accidental Death benefits of an additional 3x base annual salary up to $500,000 provided to your
family, at no cost to you.