Page 19 - 2022 Fives Landis Corp Benefit Guide
P. 19
Employee Assistance Plan
Let’s face it, sometimes life throws us a curve ball. This is a no cost, confidential service paid for by the
When you find yourself in need of some professional sup- company, through Guidance resources, managed by
port to deal with personal, work, financial or family issues, ComPsych.
your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can assist. You
and your immediate family (spouse, dependent children, Services include 3 face to face meetings with a counselor
parents and parents-in-law) can use this program for a per year per person at NO CHARGE.
variety of issues, including:
— Marital and family conflicts. On-line resources include articles, videos, podcasts and an
“ask the expert” chat line.
— Job related difficulties
— Stress, anxiety and depression FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO:
— Legal and financial counseling
Company Web ID: My5848i
— Identity theft counseling Phone: 877-533-2362
— Financial planning
— Preparing a Will
— Child Care
— Elder Care
— Various other related issues
Fives Landis Corp. observes the following Holidays: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving and (4) days between Christmas & New Years.