Page 16 - Leona Arizona Employment Group Flipbook
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Employee Assistance Programs
Aetna Resources for Living / School Employee
Guidance Program Receive one hour fraud resolution phone consultation or
This is an employer-sponsored program, available at no cost to coaching about ID theft prevention and credit restoration.
you and all members of your household. Children living away Services include a free emergency kit for victims.
from home are covered up to age 26.
Services under the Aetna Resources for Living /
Emotional Wellbeing Support School Employee Guidance Program are confidential
You can access up to six (6) counseling sessions per issue and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
each year. You can also call 24 hours a day for in-the-moment
emotional wellbeing support. Services are free and confidential. To get started, call 888-866-4827 or visit
Counseling sessions are available face-to-face or online with (Username: Leona |
televideo for issues relating such as relationship support, Password: EAP)
stress management, family issues, depression and anxiety.
Ability Assist with The Hartford
Daily Life Assistance
Sometimes life can be challenging. That’s why Leona provides
Competing day-to-day needs can make it tough to know
an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to all eligible
where to start. Call for personalized guidance and find employees – at no cost. The EAP is designed to provide
resources for summer programs, eldercare, special needs, prompt, confidential help with a range of personal and family
pet care, etc. We also offer carekits related to growing
families, child care, caregiving and more. issues that may affect all of us from time to time. You or a
member of your household (spouse, dependent children,
parents and parents-in-law) receive up to three free
Online resources counseling sessions with an EAP Professional.
Your member website offers a full range of tools and EAP counselors will assist you with concerns such as:
resources to help with emotional wellbeing, work/life balance Marital and relationship issues
and more. Get access to Discount Center, Educator resources Alcohol and drug abuse
and myStrength™. Stress management
Family/parenting problems
Work relationships
Legal services
Legal assistance
You can get a free 30-minute consultation with a participating Wellness information
attorney for each new legal topic related to Criminal law, And much more
divorce, wills and other document preparations, etc. If you
opt for services beyond the initial consultation, you can get a Our provider is The Hartford's Ability Assist Counseling
25% discount. Services. If you need help or guidance, you may call the EAP
at 800-96-HELPS or 800-964-3577 or go to
Financial services
Simply call for a free 30-minute consultation for each new
financial topic related to budgeting, credit and debt issues, For first-time users:
tax and IRS questions, etc. Click the Register tab
Organization Web ID Field: HLF902
Company name: ABILI
Identity theft services
Select Ability Assist Program
Receive one hour fraud resolution phone consultation or Create your own username and password
coaching about ID theft prevention and credit restoration.
Services include a free emergency kit for victims.