Page 16 - On Locaiton 2023 Benefit Guide
P. 16

Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

      Account Available to you:
             •    Healthcare FSA (with Debit Card) with $610 rolloverrate
             •    Dependent Care FSA

      When you use FSAs you can use tax-free dollars to pay for:

             •    Most medical, dental and vision care expenses like co-payments, deductibles and coinsurance
             •    Over-the-counter drugs – these items are ineligible expenses unless you have a prescription from yourphysician
             •    Dependent care (for children under 13 years old and/or parents or dependents that cannot care for themselves)
                  such as day care programs, babysitters, after-school programs, and adult day programs

      Using tax-free dollars means that you spend less for these things and have more money to spend on other things that you
      want and need.

      Saving Money with Flexible Spending Accounts
      Let’s look at an example of how this Flexible Spending Accounts can save you money. Assume that you pay about $2,000 each
      year on eyeglasses, prescriptions, co-payments, deductibles and other medical expenses; you have $5,000 in childcare
      expenses; and you earn $50,000 per year. The chart below compares what your take home pay would be when you use FSAs
      vs. when you don’t.

                                                                      If you participate  If you don’t participate

            Annual Salary before taxes                                     $50,000               $50,000

            Less your election:
           -    Health Care Reimbursement accountdeposit                   $2,000
           -    Dependent Care Reimbursement accountdeposit                $5,000                   $0
            Federal income taxes & Social Security (23%)                   $9,890                $11,500

            Take home pay                                                  $33,110               $38,500

           -    Health Care Expenses                                                              $2,000
           -    Dependent CareExpenses                                       $0                   $5,000

            Net Pay You Can Spend                                          $33,110               $31,500

            Tax Savings*                                                   $1,610                   $0

                 As you can see, using these accounts can really save you money. By reducing your taxable income, you increase
                 your spending money by $1,610 over the course of a year.

                 Your particular tax savings may be higher or lower depending on your tax bracket.

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