Page 10 - Fort Health Care 2022 Benefit Guide
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        Did you know there’s a way to pay your healthcare expenses and save money at the same time? Flexible Spending
        Accounts (FSAs) are designed to save you money on your taxes, while setting money aside to pay healthcare expenses.
        Each pay period, you can set aside pretax dollars that will be deposited to your Health Care and/or Dependent Care
        Spending Account. You then use your funds to pay for eligible health care or dependent care expenses.

                       Plan Carefully!!
                                                       The Advantages of an FSA
                To maximize the advantages of
                participating in the FSA program,      With an FSA, the money you contribute is never taxed—not when you
                   consider your health care           put it in  the account, not when you are reimbursed with the funds
                expenses carefully and estimate        from the account, and not when you file your income tax return at the
                your future expenses as closely        end of the year.
                 as possible.  You can do this by
                                                       Since this is an IRS Tax Saving Account, you should keep your receipts
                    completing the helpful
                                                       for any transactions on your Benny Card
                  worksheet  on the following
                pages.  All expenses reimbursed        Note: Within the tax code, there is a rule that states every expense or
                by the FSA must be health care         transaction from an FSA must be substantiated.  Transactions on an
                 services received  in the plan        FSA  debit  (Benny)  card  must  be  substantiated,  either  through
                            year.                      electronic validation or through paper receipts submitted by the card
                                                       user (similar to paper claims).

                                                       This means there needs to be proof or evidence that the funds   were
                                                       used for eligible medical expenses.

          Account Type         Eligible Expenses               Annual Contribution Limits      Benefit
                              Most medical, dental and vision care   Maximum contribution is $2,850 per   Saves on eligible
                              expenses that are not covered by your   year (for 2022-2023 plan year)   expenses not covered by
                              health plan (such as copayments,                                insurance; reduces your
         Health Care FSA      coinsurance, deductibles, eyeglasses   Annual election amounts are divided   taxable income
                              and doctor-prescribed over the   evenly over 24-pay periods.
                              counter medications).           Example:  $2,850/24 = $118.75 per   Rollover up to $570 if not
                                                              payroll deduction.              used to next plan year
                              Dependent care expenses (such as   Maximum contribution is $5,000 per   Reduces your taxable
                              day care, after school programs or   year ($2,500 if married and filing   income
                              elder care programs) so you and your   separate tax returns).
                              spouse can work or attend school full-
         Dependent Care FSA
                              time.                           Annual election amounts are divided
                                                              evenly over 24-pay periods.
                                                              Example:  $5,000/24 = $208.33  per
                                                              payroll deduction

                                          Guide to Your Benefits | May 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023
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