Page 15 - Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc 2022 Benefit Guide
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Identity Theft and Privacy Protection - NEW Employee Assistance Program - LifeWorks
Identity Theft Protection is available through IDShield. IDShield helps Because personal issues can affect every aspect of your life, we automatically
monitor your credit report, provides full-service identity restoration, provide you and your family with an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
24/7 emergency assistance, financial account monitoring with a $1 million through LifeWorks at no cost to you. Call the EAP 24/7 for unlimited
Identity Fraud Protection Plan and more. For more information, confidential assistance with nearly any personal matter you may be
visit experiencing. You and your family have access to three free consultations
with a licensed clinician per incident, per individual, per calendar year.
Coverage Level Monthly Rates Services for legal, family and financial issues include 30 minute consultations
per issue. Services include:
Employee $9.96
• Legal Services: Consultations for issues relating to civil, consumer,
Family $18.76 personal and family law, financial matters, business law, real estate,
estate planning, and more
Working Advantage • Financial Services: Budgeting, credit and financial guidance,
Tessenderlo Kerley employees are eligible for the Working Advantage retirement planning, and assistance with tax issues
discount Program! Through this program employees are able to save up • Childcare and Eldercare Assistance: Needs assessment along with
to 60% on tickets, travel, and shopping. To register for your free account referrals to childcare and eldercare providers
follow these steps: • Identity Theft Recovery Services: Information on identity theft
1. Go to prevention, an identity theft emergency response kit, and help if you
2. Select Become a Member at the top right are victimized
3. Complete the form on the right side of the screen. • Daily Living Services: Referrals to help with event planning,
Select Company Code (500596738) and enter transportation services, pet services, and more
4. Check the box at the bottom of page and click submit Confidential assistance is available any time by calling 888-456-1324 or
logging on to
Tuition Reimbursement
Tessenderlo Kerley believes in personal development and life long learning. Sharecare - NEW
Tuition Reimbursement is available to regular full time employees for The Sharecare app is available for free to all BCBSAZ members as an
coursework that is job-related or that is part of a degree program. If approved, additional resource for assessing your wellness through the RealAge Test,
it covers 100% reimbursement for tuition, books, parking and lab fees. tracking healthy habits and getting personalized tips for reaching your health
Reimbursement is contingent on receiving a "B" grade or better for the class goals. Additional features include lifestyle coaching, stress reduction
or course work. The annual benefit is capped at $5,000. Benefits are not resources and COVID-19 information. Visit to
taxable. Please contact Human Resources regarding this benefit and have the get started.
reimbursement application approved before starting classes.