Page 13 - 2022 Arabella Advisors Benefit Guide
P. 13
Health Reimbursement Account
Arabella Advisors’ Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) will pay for a portion of eligible health care
expenses for you and your family. Types of expenses include amounts you pay to meet the medical
Arabella pays 100 percent of the money in the HRA. The HRA pays out automatically to you if you use
services that are subject to the deductible.
Keep in mind that if you enroll in the medical HRA, you can also enroll in the Health Care FSA. However, if
you elect the medical HSA Plan, you cannot have an HRA or Health Care FSA.
For example: if you are going to a physical therapist to help recover from an injury, you are likely to pay the
deductible. PayFlex, on behalf of Arabella, will automatically write you a check for the portion of the
deductible that you have used up to $375 and send it to you via postal mail. This way, you are generally
receiving the money from the HRA before you may need to turn around and pay the bill from your physical
Medical Deductibles
Level of Coverage (In network/Out of Total HRA Funding
Employee Only $1,800/$3,600 $375
Employee + $3,600/$7,200 $750
Employee + Child(ren) $3,600/$7,200 $750
Family $3,600/$7,200 $750