Page 46 - 2022 SoFi - August Open Enrollment
P. 46

CIGNA YOUR HEALTH FIRST                              GYMPASS
            (YHF) - CHRONIC CONDITION                            SoFi covers a portion of the monthly Gympass
            COACHING PROGRAMS                                    membership fee for regular, full-time employees.
                                                                 The different rates you see through Gympass include
            If you have a chronic health condition, Cigna may reach
            out to you to offer additional support and services.   the discounted rate for SoFi employees.
            Employees have access to a one-on-one relationship   With a monthly Gympass plan, SoFi employees can try
            with a dedicated health coach, to help you:          out new activities, such as yoga, CrossFit, cycling and
                                                                 more, in addition to having access to full service gyms.
               ƒ  Create a plan to manage your condition
               ƒ  Understand medications or your doctor’s orders  Please refer to the Workday Benefits Mall for more
               ƒ  Identify triggers that affect your condition   information.
               ƒ  Learn what to expect if you need to spend time in
               the hospital                                      MODERN HEALTH
               ƒ  Get additional information on treatment options   Modern Health provides technology and professional
               to help you and your doctor make decisions that   support to help people reduce stress, feel more
               meet your health needs and work best for you      engaged, and be happier. Modern Health’s belief is
               ƒ  Save money on your medically related expenses  that anyone can benefit from working with a coach,

            Employees eligible for this program will be contacted   and some people need therapy in addition to or
            directly by Cigna.                                   instead of coaching. If you are experiencing a clinical
                                                                 need, Modern Health will recommend therapy. You can
            KAISER MEMBER PROGRAMS                               also work with your dedicated coach to determine if
                                                                 you would benefit from therapy.
            Create a member account at to manage
            your Kaiser healthcare                               Modern Health is the one-stop shop for all tools
                                                                 related to mental well-being and self-improvement.
            Kaiser Pregnancy Care                                Members gain access to the following features:
                                                                    ƒ  Personalized Plan: Take an assessment and
               ƒ  Visit for resources
               available to you                                     review which tools may be helpful for you.
                                                                    ƒ  Professional Support: As a SoFi employee,
               ƒ  For Kaiser Campus Class Schedule visit
                                        your first six (6) coaching sessions and first six (6)
                                                                    therapy sessions are complimentary. Sessions
            Kaiser Nurse Line                                       reset 4/1.
                                                                    ƒ  Content Library: Digital resources to help you
               ƒ  Call 866-454-8855                                 prevent burnout, manage stress, and cope with
                                                                    anxiety or depression.
            Kaiser Healthy Discounts
                                                                 Download the Modern Health app to register or access
               ƒ  Visit
                                                                 Modern Health via Okta. You may invite up to three
               ƒ  Or call 877-335-2746
                                                                 (3) adult dependents over the age of 6 to register for
                                                                 Modern Health only after you’ve registered yourself.
            Kaiser Healthy Resources                             You can also contact
            and Benefits
                                                                 for general support and questions.
               ƒ  Visit and select
               “Health and Wellness”

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