Page 43 - 2022 SoFi - August Open Enrollment
P. 43

SOFI’S 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS                           GET HELP FOR MEDICAL
            PROGRAM                                              EMERGENCIES DURING TRAVEL

            What is a 529 College Savings Plan?                  OnCall International

            529 College Savings Plans allow you to set aside        ƒ  Travel preparation and emergency
            post-tax money for future higher education costs        assistance services
            while avoiding taxes on the growth and withdrawal of     ƒ  Worldwide network of assistance centers in over
            your funds as long as the funds are used for qualified   200 countries
            expenses. You can open a 529 Plan for your own          ƒ  Travel alerts and global health information
            continuing education or that of a family member or   Visit online at
            loved one.
                                                                 Call in U.S.: 800-456-3893
            Why is SoFi offering this program?                   Call from other countries: 603-328-1966

            SoFi employees have the ability to contribute to one
            or more 529 college savings plans each pay period.   IDENTITY THEFT RECOVERY
            Regular payroll deductions can range from            SERVICES
            $25 to $1,000  — and every little bit counts. Don’t have   Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the US.
            a 529 savings plan? Use SoFi’s 529 Savings & Selection   To protect you and your family, SoFi offers protection
            Tool to understand how much you might want to        and ID Theft Recovery Services through INFOARMOR,
            save and what 529 Savings Plan might fit your unique   a Reliance Standard affiliate, services includes:
            circumstances.                                          ƒ  Dedicated, trained identify protection advocates
                                                                     to act on your behalf
            How do I enroll?                                        ƒ  Investigation and confirmation of fraudulent activity

            Enter an existing 529 plan or access the                ƒ  Resolution of key issues maintaining and
            529 Savings & Selection Tool through                     explaining your rights
   registration/lookup.                  ƒ  Follow up and escalation of issues with affected
            When prompted, log in to your personal                   agencies and institutions
            SoFi account. Once you’re enrolled it can take          ƒ  Providing restoration beyond credit including
            1-2 pay periods for your contributions to reflect.       criminal, DMV and medical records
                                                                 If you suspect your personal information has
                                                                 been compromised, call INFOARMOR toll free:

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