Page 45 - 2022 SoFi - August Open Enrollment
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Well-being Benefits

            HEALTHY BABIES                                       PROGRAMS (LMP)

            To help you stay healthy before, during your         Whether your goal is to lose weight, quit tobacco or
            pregnancy and in the days and weeks following your   lower your stress levels, you have the power to make
            baby’s birth. You’ll have access to preconception    it happen. Cigna Lifestyle Management programs
            planning tools and resources, including information   can help – and all at no cost to you. Each program is
            from the March of Dimes. Get live support 24 hours    easy to use, and available where and when you need
            a day, seven days a week.                            it. Employees can meet one-on-one with a wellness
               ƒ  Call 800-615-2906 to enroll today              coach with convenient evening and weekend hours.
               ƒ  Once enrolled, call the toll-free number on the   Or you can take advantage of online support and tools
               back of your ID card anytime to speak with a      to reach your goals.
               Cigna pregnancy coach who has nursing             To get started today call 800-244-6224 or online at
               experience, and can help you find in-network
               health care providers.
               ƒ  Visit for tools to help you    CIGNA HEALTH ADVISOR
               track your pregnancy week by week, prepare for    Everyone has different needs when it comes to
               delivery and care for your baby.                  improving their health and well-being. Do you always
               ƒ  Get rewarded for making smart choices – When you   know all of your options? Where to get a quick answer?
               participate and complete the program you may be   Or where to go for help with a more serious situation?
               eligible to receive:
                                                                 You now have access to nurses, coaches, nutritionists
                  ƒ  A $75 incentive if you enroll by the end of   and clinicians – who will listen, understand your needs
                   your second trimester and complete the        and help you find solutions, even when you’re not sure
                   postpartum assessment; or                     where to begin.
                  ƒ  A $150 incentive if you enroll by the end   Employees can:
                   of your first trimester and complete the
                   postpartum assessment.                           ƒ  Get helpful information about treatment options
                                                                     so you and your doctor can make decisions that
                                                                     meet your health needs and work best for you
                                                                    ƒ  Access support 24 hours a day when you need
                                                                     medical information, like how to treat a twisted
                                                                     ankle or your child’s high fever
                                                                    ƒ  Understand preventive screenings and annual
                                                                     exams so you can learn more about what you can
                                                                     do to get and stay healthy
                                                                    ƒ  Get help finding your way through the health care
                                                                     system and answering questions about your
                                                                     health coverage
                                                                 To have a confidential one-on-one conversation,
                                                                 with a health coach today, call 800-244-6224.

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