Page 69 - Practical book PC406-MNU-2025
P. 69

         PHARM D- CLINICAL PHARMACY                        LEVEL II                       INSTRUNENTAL ANALYSIS (PC 406)

                                          G Ge en ne er ra al l   p pr ri in nc ci ip pl le es s

              The term "chromatography is derived from the Greek words chromos and graphy,

                meaning "color" and "writing", respectively.
              Chromatography  is  the  art  of  separation  technique  for  the  identification,  and

                determination of individual chemical components in complex mixtures.
              It is a physical method of separation, in which the components to be separated are

                distributed between two phases, one of these phases constituting a stationary bed of

                large surface area "stationary phase", the other being a fluid "mobile phase" that

                percolates through or along the stationary bed.

              Stationary phase is that which does not move during the separation process.

              Mobile  phase  "eluent"  is  a  fluid  used  to  carry  the  components  of  a  mixture

                through a stationary phase.

              Elution: is process by which solutes are washed through a stationary phase by the

                movement of a mobile phase.

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