Page 72 - Practical book PC406-MNU-2025
P. 72

         PHARM D- CLINICAL PHARMACY                        LEVEL II                       INSTRUNENTAL ANALYSIS (PC 406)

             6)  Cover the beaker with a watch glass.
             7)  Leave the beaker until the mobile phase becomes about 2-cm from the top of the filter

                 paper, remove the paper from the beaker, make a mark at the solvent front and leave
                 the paper to dry.


           The mobile phase separated the dye into 2 spots (blue and yellow spots).

               Calculate Rf values for each of the two separated components.

                                       The distance* travelled by the substance
                             R f =
                                       The distance traveled by the solvent

           * the distance is measured from the center of the spot.

          44 | P a g e                                 S e c o n d   s e m e s t e r       2 0 2 4 - 2 0 2 5
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