Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 2-1-18 E-edition
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ABOVE: Edward Elenes came to the Family Dance as Aladdin, while Jewelyssa Rios (left), who's 5, dressed as Cinderella and Annette Peñaloza, 6, came as Ariel from "The Little Mermaid."
BELOW: Other attendees included Gregory Quezada (left) and his sis- ter Samantha Rea (right) and her children, Mackenzie Zapien (second from left), who's 9, and Mallackie Zapien, 7. They dressed in ode to Mickey and Minnie Mouse
Continued from page B1
• Kindergarten – The “stars” of this class are fea- tured on a handmade quilt created by Victoria Cuevas. The children’s handprints are printed in red on the large star design.
• First Grade – This class’ quilt is designed in red, white and blue. The students are shown surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. Their teacher, Cynthia Gar- cia, sewed the quilt on which each child has written his or her name.
• Second Grade – The quilt from this class shows the students dressed as their favorite saints. “The holi- ness of the saints is a goal that they strive for daily,” according to the school. An image of Vincent Van Gogh’s famous 1889 painting “The Starry Night” is on the re- verse side. Edith Hoffman sewed this quilt.
• Third Grade – The theme for this class’ quilt is “Growing in God’s Love” as a tribute to Our Lady of Gua- dalupe. She is pictured in the center. The face of each stu- dent is seen in the centers of the flowers that surround her. The school said Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Contreras donated the image of Our Lady of Gua- dalupe, which was blessed at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
• Fourth Grade – A dis- tinctive wooden clock is the item from this class. It easily could be a large-size decor for a wall. The clock is hand- crafted. Each “hour” shows a picture of fourth-graders in poses. Below the hands of the clock is the white outline of a cross formed by the names of the students.
• Fifth Grade – The unique project from this class is a Victory Tailgate, emoji-themed cornhole game.
The two raised platforms are made of sturdy pine material and comes with two sets of bean bags. The design of the platforms includes the faces of the fifth-graders and giant happy face emojis. The class says this item will be a fun addition for tailgate parties, barbecues and other gather- ings.
• Sixth Grade – The item from this class is a multipur- pose, hand-painted chest that features the thumbprints of each student as blossoms on branches and their signa- tures as part of the design. The Bible verse Luke 2:40 is the theme for this project: “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.”
• Seventh Grade – The design for this class’ stained wooden potting table shows tendrils climbing the legs of the table. The top is painted with tree branches that fan toward the center, and each seventh-grader has signed his or her name to a differ- ent leaf. On the back of the table are words from Mother Teresa, now known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta: “Yester- day is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today.”
• Eighth Grade – The class of 2018’s project is a
LEFT: St. La Salle eighth- grade students are seen with the decorated wooden bench that is their class' item
for the Feb. 3 Benefit Auction at the Reedley Community Center.
The students are (from left) Esmeralda Alanis, Gonzalo Avalos, Darius Cuevas and Maddy Moreno.
Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
wooden bench with a design that includes the signatures of each student. Decorative crosses give the bench’s design a simple but ornate touch. Also featured is a Bi- ble verse from 1 Timothy 4:12 that reflects this year’s Na- tional Catholic Schools Week theme. The verse is: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believ- ers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.”
The auctions also will fea- ture plenty of other appealing items. They will include:
• School packages, such as Principal for the Day and Lunch with the Principal.
• A variety of jewelry.
• Dinner and party pack- ages, such as the Heavenly Feast, an Italian culinary event that’s been done for 20 years; Sal’s Fiesta-To-Go for 20 people; local wine tast- ings; and a Valentine’s Day package.
• Travel packages for Dis- neyland, Legoland, Las Vegas and other destinations.
• Sports packages that in- clude tickets for San Francis- co 49ers and Oakland Raiders football games, the Fresno Grizzlies baseball team, and Fresno State events.
For tickets or other in- formation, call St. La Salle at (559) 638-2621.
Continued from page B1
Torres said: “I’d heard it’s a lot of fun, and it’s something that she likes to do. She likes to dance. We figured we’d check it out.”
And how did Darienne feel about being at the dance with her father? “I feel happy,” she said, with a smile.
Sarah Reid, interim direc- tor of the Reedley Community Services Department, said 100 people attended the dance, which was the goal.
“The people who attended
really enjoyed the evening. From dancing to the delicious food, the night went off with- out a hitch,” Reid said. “I still see lots of value in this event, so staff will focus for 2019 on increasing participation.”
Others at the dance in- cluded Samantha Rea and her children – Mackenzie Zapien, 9, and Mallackie Zapien, 7 – and Rea’s brother, Gregory Quezada. They also attended last year’s dance, and Mack- enzie explained why they en- joyed coming to them: “Be- cause we get to have fun and actually play and dress up and dance.”
LEFT: Ceasar Torres brought
his daughter, Darienne Torres, 5, to the Family Dance. They came as characters from "Beauty and the Beast." Darienne dressed as Belle, and her father dressed as Prince Adam, who trans- formed from the Beast.
reserve a table for eight.
Junior High Updates
On Thursday, Feb. 1, girls and boys varsity junior high basketball teams will com- pete against Parlier at Parlier. Games begin at 3 p.m.
Elementary Updates
Our sixth grade did a won- derful job presenting Chapel last Friday! On Saturday, Feb. 3,ourChessClubwillcompete in a tournament at Manches- ter GATE in Fresno. Students still are working on their Math Facts to build their sundaes on Feb. 14. Have a great week!
ABOVE: Third-grade students Isabel Loredo (left) and Julieta Cuevas show the quilt that will be their class' item at the auction.
Continued from page B2
ing Contest. It begins at 3 p.m. On Saturday, Feb. 3, tree and vine pruning teams will compete in the Winter FFA
On Saturday, Feb. 24, the
annual Boots & Beef Auction/ Dinner to support the Imman- uel FFA chapter will be held in the Immanuel gym. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Tickets are $40 each from any Immanuel FFA member, or it’s $400 to
“Prime Time”
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Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
Reedley Trading Post Providing Reedley’s
Reedley Youth Cheerleading Sign-Ups!
Lead don’t follow, come try-out for 2018 Reedley Youth Cheer Squad!!
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The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, February 1, 2018 AUCTION
Ruiz 4 Kids Scholarships accepting applications
The application period is open for the annual Ruiz 4 Kids Scholarship program.
The deadline is Friday, March 9.
Applications are avail- able online for high school seniors who attend a high school within a 35-mile radius of Dinuba or Tulare. In addi- tion, applications are open to current community college students who are attending
Continued from page B2
3, at the Reedley Community Center.
We are preparing for a great auction but need your help to make it a success. We hope you will consider
a campus within the 35-mile radius and are planning to transfer to a four-year uni- versity.
“The pursuit of higher ed- ucation for some can feel like an unachievable dream,” Kim Goble said in a news release. Goble is the Ruiz 4 Kids Scholarship chairperson. Goble said the scholarships help relieve some financial stress “so that students can place their focus where it is needed most – their educa-
donating an item or service to be included in the silent or live auction. You also can be a sponsor and be recognized for your generous support in our Auction Program booklet that’s given to all the guests.
Tickets for $20 each are available in our school office at 404 E. Manning Ave. The
In the past eight years,
Ruiz 4 Kids – the nonprofit organization of Ruiz Food Products, Inc. based in Dinu- ba – has awarded more than $3 million in scholarships to hundreds of students. The organization receives more than 600 applications each year from students within the geographic areas of Ruiz Foods’ several manufactur- ing facilities.
High school applicants
number of tickets is limited so don’t wait. Also, the com- mittee is encouraging people to purchase raffle tickets, which are $100 each. The grand prize is $5,000. Second prize is $500; third prize is $400; and fourth prize is $300.
All donations, large or small, can make a difference.
must have a 2.5 grade point average or higher if they plan to attend a two-year college or vocational institution. Ap- plicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher if they will be at- tending a four-year college or university.
Community college stu- dent applicants must be maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher to be considered.
Go online to for guidelines and an applica- tion.
We thank everyone for their donations to help to make this event a success!
Support St. La Salle when you are at the checkout stand at Save Mart – enter the num- bers (559) 638-1916 on the keypad. This automatically will give credit to St. La Salle.
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