Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 12-13-18 E-edition
P. 10
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Eagles News
December 6 – 12
“A Christmas Carol” Im-
manuel Performing Arts is excited to present Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol”! December 6th, 7th and 8th at 7 p.m. And December 8th and 9th at 3 p.m. Tickets available at the district office, or at the door based on availability.
Christmas Coat Drive
From now until December 14th, Immanuel’s baseball team is collecting new and gently used coats and warm sweatshirts to give to the families who were impacted by the Camp Fire in Paradise, Ca. If you would like to partic- ipate, please drop them off in either our District or Elemen- tary Office during business hours.
Immanuel Athletics- Con- grats to our Boys Varsity Basketball team for winning First Place in the Immanuel Tournament of Champions last weekend! Girls Varsity Basketball is at home today against Liberty High School at 6 p.m. Also today, Boys JV Basketball will be in Visalia competing in the Central Val- ley Christian Tournament. And Boys Varsity Basketball
Continued from page B1
Cooking a steak "rare" means leaving it on the skillet for 2-3 minutes on each side. I also learned that filet mignon (from what I hear, the most tender and expensive cut of meat) is best enjoyed rare. "Don't come in here and ask me to cook the New York strip well done," said Martin. "That takes away from the steak." I agree with Martin on that, however, like I mentioned, not sure that rare is the way I want to go for now.
is competing in Robert F Kennedy Tournament. Girls Soccer is heading to Kerman for a tournament Friday and Saturday.
One lucky winner will win a brand new 2019 Crew Cab Silverado LTZ from Martens Chevrolet in Reedley. Tickets are $100 each (or 6 for $500 or 12 for $1000). Only 1,000 tick- ets are going to be sold! Purchase tickets at the Im- manuel School District Of- fice and Marten's Chevro- let (1050 I Street) *Details/ Rules/Restrictions online at
Enroll Your Student Today: Enrollment for the 2018/2019 school year at Immanuel Schools is still open! If you are interested in enrolling your children for the upcoming year, you may pick up an enrollment packet from the District Of- fice located at 1128 S. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654. For more information about Im- manuel Schools, call today at (559) 638-2529. Visit our website immanuelschools. com for up-to-date informa- tion on events. Immanuel Schools– The Difference is Life Changing!
Speaking of restaurants, one of the places where I do eat the food rare is Yoi's. Yoi's is the Japanese food eatery in the shopping center across from Reedley College. I enjoy their salmon sashimi bowl. I don't know why, but I can eat uncooked salmon just fine, yet can't eat a "rare" steak just yet.
So, aside from our conver- sations about steak, the Bar- cellos' told me all about the history of their restaurant and how they enjoy serving the community here in Reedley. I wish you both much success in the future and keep up the great work.
Let your child grow with us! Catholic Based Educa- tion: The most important gift you will ever give your child.
We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift that parents will ever give their child. We offer an opportunity for stu- dents to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents by serv- ing the church and our com- munity in various capacities and make the world a better place. Catholic schools make a difference in every child’s life! Visit us at stlasallereed-
Gift Cards Fundraiser
The Holidays are ap- proaching! St. La Salle School participates in the Scrip program year-round and with the holiday season approaching what better way is there to shop for the family and help support our school at the same time! St. La Salle School has a vari- ety of gift cards on hand or we can order them for you! These are some of the retail stores that participate with us: Macy’s, Target, Star- bucks, Walmart, Save Mart and so much more! Please stop by the school for a full list of Gift Cards.
Preschool Christmas Program- Everyone is in- vited to join the preschool for their annual Christmas program. Each Year the stu- dents work hard to put on a great performance. The pro- gram will be on December 18, 2018 at 6:30pm, in the new St. Anthony’s Church.
Hope to see everyone there!
2nd Grade Christmas Pro- gram- Everyone is invited to join the 2nd Grade for their annual Christmas program. Each Year the students work hard to put on a great perfor- mance of the nativity scene. The program will be on De- cember 18, 2018 at 11:00, in the St. La Salle School Hall. Hope to see everyone there!
Breakfast with Santa
Come enjoy a Breakfast with the Family, December 15, 2018 from 7:30am-10:30am! We will have Pancakes, Eggs, Sausage, Orange Juice, & Cof- fee. Adult Tickets are $7.00 & Children are Tickets are $4.00. Everyone can take a picture with Santa for only $3.00. We will have venders at this event to shop for that perfect gift for the Holidays. This Event is open to the public! Tickets will be sold in the St. La Salle Office. For more info. Call Benita Torres (559) 393-5608
Congratulations to the Students of the Month for the month of November
TK- Isaiah Huerta & Mia Aguilar. Kindergarten, Mari- anna Ruiz & Adan Cuevas. First grade, Maya Camare- na & Attalena Garcia. Sec- ond grade, Evette Ybarra & Karyme Serrano. Third grade, Megan Reyes & Isabella Her- nandez
Fourth grade, Jaime Her- nandez & Sophia Martinez
Fifth grade, James Lara & Bridget Rivas. Sixth grade, Katelynn Molina & Sebastian Dinis. Seventh grade, Angie Luna & Kayla Serrano
Eighth grade Kelly Fer- nandez & Makenna Gobby.
Congratulations to the Students of the Month who
had Good Manners for the month of November. TK Ash- ley Ramos & Sophia Martinez. Kindergarten, Esther Vallena- ri & Sebastian Castrejon. First grade Kailani Akui & Jacob Bujulian. Second grade, Isaiah Aguilar Third grade, Sophia Luna & Randy Lara. Fourth grade, Nayeli Vargas & Hec- tor Leon. Fifth grade, James Lara & Karen Ramirez. Sixth grade, Adan Torres & Kaylee Vallenari. Seventh grade, Pab- lo Palafox & John Paul Rooney Eighth grade, Adan Vazquez & Kalyssa Sotelo
2019 Benefit Auction
St. La Salle School is pleased to announce the 28th Annual Benefit Auction to be held on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the Reedley Com- munity Center. This year the auction promises to be anoth- er memorable one, filled with lots of fun and fellowship – all for a great cause.
We are in the midst of preparing for a great auction, but we will need your help in making it a success. We are hopeful that you will consider donating an item or service to be included in either the silent or live auction. There is also the opportunity to become one of our sponsors and be recog- nized for your generous sup- port in our Auction Program booklet. This program is given to all the guests attending this popular event. All donations, whether large or small, can make a difference. Please give with your hearts and make a difference that will last a life- time. All donations are tax de- ductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Safe Environment Train- ing - The Diocese requires
all volunteers to be “Safe En- vironment Cleared”. No one will be allowed to participate in school sports, field trips, class parties, etc., until they have been cleared through the Diocese. The following requirements must be met before volunteering:
*Fingerprinted: You must be fingerprinted through the Diocese of Fresno.
Please pick up the form in the front office. This is done only one time.
*SE Training: You must complete the online course Protecting Children in the 21st Century. The website is https://safeandsacred-fresno. org. Print the certificate and bring it to the school office with $10.00. You do not have to complete this course every year.
*Code of Conduct: Sign and return the Code of Conduct to the school office. This must be done every school year. Copies are available in the school office.
Dates to Remember- De- cember 15th- Breakfast with Santa . December 20 – Janu- ary 4th - Christmas Vacation. January 7th – School Re- sumes. February 2nd- Annual Benefit Auction
Perfect attendance reward given
The Kings Canyon Unified School District is one of 373 school districts in the U.S. and Canada being honored by the College Board with placement on the 9th Annual AP® District Honor Roll.
To be recognized for this award, the district had to, since 2016, increase the number of students who are participat- ing in advanced placement (AP) classes while also increasing or maintaining the percentage of students earning AP Exam scores of 3 or higher.
Reaching these goals showed that KCUSD was successful in identifying motivated and academically prepared students who were ready for their AP classes and exams.
“Success in Advanced Placement is a combination of students’ own motivation and the opportunities educators provide for them,” said Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President of AP and Instruction at the College Board. “I’m inspired by the
teachers and administrators in this dis- trict who have worked to clear a path for more students of all backgrounds to earn college credit during high school.”
Helping more students learn at a higher level and earn higher AP scores
"I’m inspired by the teachers and administrators in this district who have worked to clear a path for more students of all backgrounds to earn college credit during high school.”
– Trevor Packer Senior VP, College Board
is an objective of all members of the AP community, from AP teachers to district and school administrators to college pro- fessors. Many districts are experiment- ing with initiatives and strategies to see how they can expand access and improve student performance at the same time.
In 2018, more than 4,000 colleges and universities around the world received AP scores for college credit, advanced placement, or both, and/or consideration in the admissions process.
Inclusion in the 9th Annual AP Dis- trict Honor Roll is based on a review of three years of AP data, from 2016 to 2018, looking across 38 AP Exams, including world language and culture. The follow- ing criteria were used: districts were re-
at least 6 percent in medium districts, and at least 11 percent in small districts. They were also required to increase or maintain the percentage of Ameri- can Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander stu- dents taking exams and increased or maintained the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students
scoring 3+ on at least one AP Exam. Other requirements also included to improve or maintain performance levels when comparing the 2018 percentage of students scoring a 3 or higher to the 2016 percentage, unless the district had already attained a performance level at which more than 70 percent of its AP stu-
dents earn a 3 or higher.
Because those outcomes were
achieved among an AP student popu- lation in which 30 percent or more are underrepresented minority students (American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/ African American, Hispanic/Latino and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander) and/or 30 percent or more are low-income students (students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch), a symbol has been affixed to the district name to highlight this work.
For the complete 9th Annual AP Dis- trict honor roll list, visit apcentral.colleg-
ABOVE: Nico Estrada was awarded a laptop computer donated by the Educational Employees Credit Union, Reedley branch. Also in the photo are Jeannine Brown and Rosemary Hernandez, repre- senting the EECU. Nico was awarded the laptop for having perfect attendance at Kings Canyon High School.
quired to increase participation and access to AP by at least 4 percent in large districts, and
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