Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 9-27-18 E-edition
P. 16

Continued from page B1
"Run away?" another stu- dent answered. "Nope," said Lopez. "There's another acro- nym that we use, ok I'll tell you since you guys haven't got it yet," Lopez said.
"If you wake up in the mid-
dle of the night and there is smoke in your room coming from underneath the door or something like that, there's something you need to do," he said. "You stop, you drop and you roll." The students lis- tened intently.
Along with safety lessons and the ladder demonstra- tion, students were also able
LEFT: Firefighter Jack Hara looked up at the 101 ft. lad- der he climbed during Reedley Fire's visit to Immanuel. It took Hara just under several minutes to climb to the top, once Hara completed his ascent, students cheered loudly.
RIGHT: Firefighter Juan Morales showing students the inside of the bucket attathced to the en- gine's ladder. Students asked a number of questions about how the water traveled from under- neath the ladder.
Photos by Juanita Adame / The Exponent
to sit inside the cab of the fire truck, and tour the aerial lad- der bucket once it was back on the ground.
First grader Zoie Hofer said her favorite part of the Reedley Fire visit was also the aerial ladder. "It was cool," she said. "But I would be scared to be way at the top."
Zoie's friend, Gracie Tor-
res also liked the ladder but said she enjoyed sitting in the cab to experience what a fire truck looked like on the inside.
"I got to sit in the seats, it was cool," said Gracie. "I got to take a picture with my friends in front. The fire truck sprays water when there's a fire, and you climb up the ladder when you have to help put a fire out
on a tall building."
Lopez and his crew said
they have been out to four schools this year. "Throughout the year if schools want us to come out they make contact and talk to our secretary. She can schedule us to come out," he said. He said they'll be giv- en a date and time to whom- ever is available and they will
ABOVE: Firefighter Juan Morales showing students a breathing apparatus during Reedley Fire's visit to Immanuel.
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
make the trip.
"A lot of us have full time
jobs, so we work full time and work part time, so it's when- ever guys can be available."
Several of the fire crew members were dispatched to a call during the presentation. The remaining crew members stayed behind and answered questions from students.
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LEFT: Firefighters Juan Mo- rales, Justin Watson and Jack Hara stand near students just before Hara climbs the 101 ft. ladder during the demonstra- tion.
RIGHT: Engineer Daniel
Lopez shows first graders the inside of Reedley's newest
fire engine. The Reedley Fire Department spent some time with the students at Immanuel on Sept. 20.
Photos by Juanita Adame / The Exponent

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