Reedley Exponent 4-18-19 E-edition
P. 1
RHS Family Career program conducts service project
Immanuel baseball jumps out to 2-0 start in Selma tourney
Rural incident suspected as result of domestic violence
Staff Report
A Reedley man and Parlier woman are dead and another man was hospitalized after an April 10 shooting in what Fresno County Sheriff’s detectives are calling a domestic vio- lence incident.
Daniel Hernandez, 47, was found shot to
death on the ground next to his vehicle in an orchard off Huntsman Avenue, between New- mark and Zediker avenues, near Parlier. An autopsy was being performed to determine if the gunshot wound was self-inflicted.
Selena Lopez, 26, of Parlier and an unidenti- fied man had been shot in a vehicle after an al- leged confrontation with Hernandez near at that site shortly after 5 p.m., witnesses told sheriff’s detectives. Lopez was critically wounded, and died on April 14 in a Fresno hospital.
According to a sheriff’s office news re-
lease, Hernandez and Lopez were in a dating relationship. The other man who was in the car with Lopez was in his mid-20s and also shot. His wounds were minor, and he was treated and released from the hospital.
After the shooting, a woman alerted a Cali- fornia Highway Patrol officer at the intersec- tion of Bethel and Rose avenues that her two friends had been shot. According to the sher- iff’s officer, there also were four small children in the car but none of them were injured.
The woman told the CHP that Hernandez
was involved in the disturbance and shooting near the orchard. Deputies then drove to the orchard where Hernandez had last been seen. They found the vehicle with no one inside, but then spotted Hernandez on the ground.
All of the people involved in the distur- bance knew each other, according to the sher- iff’s office. A motive has not been determined.
Anyone who may have information on this case is asked to contact Sheriff’s Det. Adam Maldonado at (559) 600-8208. You also may con- tact Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-7867.
driver hurt
in April 14
By Juanita Adame
A desperate attempt to stop a car thief has left a pizza delivery driver with serious head injuries after he was thrown from his moving vehicle near Manning and Englehart Avenues just out- side of Reedley last weekend.
It began in the parking lot of the Me-N-Eds Pizzeria on Man- ning Avenue on April 14 some- time after 2:30 p.m. when the delivery driver encountered the man inside his vehicle.
“The car was running, the vic- tim went inside to get something, he comes back out and the sus- pect has gotten in the car in the driver’s seat,” said Lt. Marc Edi-
See CARJACKING on page A8
Downtown traffic details results in nearly 50 citations Staff Report
The Reedley Police Depart- ment concluded its four-week downtown traffic detail last week, and officers passed out nearly 50 citations to motorists involved in numerous traffic infractions.
Police Operations Lt. Marc Edi- ger said the list compiled by Sgt. Todd Lowery described 37 hours of enforcement by officers, resulting in 49 citations issued. The biggest infraction was for illegal u-turns (23) while 11 more tickets were written for playing loud music.
Additional infractions were for use of cell phone while driving
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654 | 50 cents Reedley man, Parlier woman die in shootings
Vol. 130, No. 15 | Thursday, April 18, 2019
A big step forward
Photos by Jon Earnest / The Exponent
ABOVE: A sign next to Reedley College’s north entrance off Reed Avenue tells of the future home of the McClarty Center for Fine and Performing Arts. The center will be built in the background.
LEFT: Reedley resident Harold McClarty, whose family’s $1 million donation helped kick off the fund drive for the center, spoke at the April 10 ceremony.
About $22 million raised for Fine and Performing Arts Center on RC campus
Design would be on side of BofA building
Staff Report
The public is invited to give their opinion on a proposed plan for a mural on the north side of the Bank of America building on G Street.
Public comment — followed by a Reedley City Council vote — will take place at the council’s regular meeting beginning at 7 p.m. Tues- day, April 23, at the council cham- bers, 845 G. St.
Street. The design planned for the building was created in the 1940s for the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce.
The design is being incorporated into the proposed mural by Laurie Schoelen, a local artist from Squaw Valley who will create the mural. Schoelen previously painted electric power boxes in the city within the past four years.
The project is a joint effort by the city and the chamber to paint a Reedley-themed portrait of the area. Officials have been making revisions to the design to put in ad- ditional references to the region’s reputation for growing fruit.
Donations for the mural have al- ready been received from Reedley
The council already has ap- proved $2,500 in city money and an additional $1,000 to match donations for the $6,000 project planned for the side of the building facing 9th
City of Reedley / Composite image contributed
A composite image of a proposed mural along the side of the Bank of America building at G and 9th streets gave an idea of what the mural would look like. A public hearing on the mural and eventual vote on the project by the Reedley City Council is on the agenda of the regular council meeting on Tuesday, April 24.
By Jon Earnest
An “unveiling ceremony” on April 10 for Reedley College’s future Center for Fine and Performing Arts was just that — an un- veiling of some much-anticipated develop- ments surrounding the facility.
First, there’s the name — the McClarty Center for Fine and Performing Arts which includes the Pete P. Peters Theatre. Both names were officially made public at the
ceremony, with Harold McClarty and Den- nis Peters (nephew of Pete Peters) present to assist in the unveiling.
The, there’s the location. The Center will be built on the northeast end of campus, north of the parking lots off Reed Avenue. The site is the historic location of the home of town founder Thomas L. Reed and also was the headquarters for the family’s farm-
Mural public hearing planned for April 23
See MURAL on page A7
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