Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 5-7-20 E-edition
P. 7

                      The View From Here
 I arrived
at Sanger
High on the
morning of
May 1 and
waited under-
neath a tent
for seniors to
arrive. Next
to me were
Ronnie Scott and Kirstin Coronado.
Kirstin is the school prin- cipal and told me the attitude from seniors has been that of curiosity. They are want- ing to know what will happen for graduation. Will there be a ceremony? Will they have a chance to make the memo- ries that so many seniors be- fore them have made?
Dressed in their familiar red, white, and blue Sanger High attire, and protective face masks and gloves, Scott and Coronado told me the last few weeks have been tough, but they are making the most of it.
“This is our free gift,” said Coronado. The posters, she said, were a small ges- ture of appreciation for the unexpected turn of events that has everyone, not just quarantined, but missing critical year end events es- pecially for those graduating.
One of the first vehicles to arrive at the poster event was that of Mariah Martinez.
Martinez along with her group of friends, all seniors, told me they were sad that these were the circumstanc- es they faced during a mile- stone in their lives.
Just days before the Sanger High poster give away, a video was posted on- line from Kings Canyon Uni- fied School District officials.
In the video, John Camp- bell said they were planning a pre-recorded graduation ceremony and would broad- cast the event live on You- Tube on the regularly sched- uled day the graduation was supposed to take place.
I feel that no matter where in the Central Valley we look, school administra- tors, teachers, and staff are taking every step needed to ensure their students have a memorable experience.
We don’t thank our teach- ers and school staff enough. The hard work they put in after hours, and on week- ends to educate our children needs to be highlighted more often.
This week, I have seen teachers thinking outside the box, using their resources and innovating ways to make graduation ceremonies hap- pen.
Educators, you are all do- ing a great job, your work has not gone unnoticed, and you're an inspiration.
High cancelled school based learning in late March due to coronavirus concerns.
Weeks later, and with CO- VID-19 cases on the rise, ad- ministrators decided to can- cel classes for the remainder of the school year. This meant that all year end activities such as prom, grad night, and graduations would also be can- celled.
“No prom, no anything, and I think about it like we are go- ing to be the only class that won’t be able to experience any of that,” Martinez said. “But the classes after us, they will be able to celebrate that, not us though, that makes me sad.”
Sanger High principal, Kirstin Coronado said officials with the district were making plans to host a graduation cer- emony for seniors and their families while meeting the social distancing and health department requirements.
“Our students are ques- tioning what will be done,”
See SIGNS on page A8
 Juanita Adame
Apache seniors remain hopeful at poster event
 Photo by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
ABOVE: Kirstin Coronado, principal at Sanger High handed out yard signs and posters on May 1 to graduating seniors.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The poster and sign give away event at Sanger High School on the morning of May 1 was bitter sweet for Mari- ah Martinez and her friends.
They are all seniors who were looking forward to a tradi- tional graduation ceremony in June.
“It’s been pretty stressful for us,” said Martinez from her vehicle. “This is our se- nior year and it’s like, we all
expected a big ceremony, to walk across the stage at the Save Mart Center, and to be with our friends, and now we won’t have that.”
Along with many oth- er schools in the area and throughout the state, Sanger
 KCUSD announces graduation plan for 2020 seniors
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
A video announcement outlining graduation produc- tion plans was released by Kings Canyon Unified School District officials on the eve- ning of April 30.
The video has been viewed more than 10,000 times on Facebook and shows John Campbell, the superintendent of the dis- trict; along with Ron Pack, principal of Reedley Middle College High School; Angel Durazo, Orange Cove High Principal; student board rep- resentatives Ximena Ramos and Danisha Reyes, as well as John Ahlin Reedley High School principal; and Roberto Gutierrez, the deputy super- intendent.
In the two minute long clip, Campbell detailed a plan to produce a graduation video
for seniors and their families. “We are here to share an exciting announcement about your high school graduation,”
Campbell said.
“The first recorded gradu-
ation production ever held at your high school, the cast for
Video Release Dates
RHS - Thursday, May 28 OCHS - Friday, May 29
Kings Canyon Adult & Highschool - Tues June 2
Mt. View School RMCHS & DLA - Wednesday, June 3
this production includes you and up to four of your imme- diate family members."
“This event will also allow
Photo Courtesy KCUSD
ABOVE: From left, Ron Pack, Angel Durazo, Ximena Ramos, John Campbell, Danisha Reyes, John Ahlin, and Roberto Gutierrez.
  A birthday to remember
Photo Contributed
Luke Medina, 5, of Sanger was given a birthday surprise after of- ficers with the Sanger Police Department paid him a visit on May 4. Luke has dreams of becoming a police officer when he grows up, and was excited to see police patrol cars drive to his home to make his day extra special. Another photo is on page A8.
you to have a graduation ex- perience in person," he con- tinued. "While allowing your parents to share in this excit- ing moment alongside you.”
Filming for the gradua- tion video began days after the announcement was made. The finished product will be released on what would have
been the schools regularly scheduled graduation cer- emony.
“We believe that by han-
Photo of the week
A photo of Reedley's water towers at sunrise was sent by Danny Jimenez. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email juanita@mid-
dling logistics properly and by everyone adhering to the script, we will be able to both meet the distancing guide- lines,” Cambell said. “As well as the health department’s advice, while providing a live memory for you and your family.”
The video will be viewable on YouTube Live. A link will be provided to seniors and their families.

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