Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 5-14-2020 E-edition
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Thursday, May 14, 2020 | A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
Sharing warm messages through chalk art
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Reedley's Andrea Gruen knelt by one of her works of sidewalk chalk art on May 6 in front of Adventist Health Reedley. Gruen, who owns and operates the "Truth & Words" artwork website, donated her services to the hospital.
Andrea Gruen's artwork on display on sidewalk at Adventist Health Reedley
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
If you visit the hospital at Adven- tist Health Reedley, you'll notice the sidewalks are decorated with colorful,
inspirational sayings drawn in chalk. They're the work of Reedley resi- dent Andrea Gruen, who owns and op- erates a calligraphy business out of her home called Truth in Words. She pro- duces hand-drawn calligraphy in free-
form style on a variety of surfaces.
"I actually love doing this," she said. "It's been such a blessing. I
See CHALK ART on page A10
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
"Lift Your Eyes" was one of Gruen's messages of hope drawn in chalk.
Yolanda Almanza
Yolanda Almanza of Sanger died May 7. She was 83.
Mrs. Almanza worked as a packer and grader for Barr Packing.
She is survived by two sons, five daugh- ters, one brother, 17 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Abundio Almanza, Jr.
A private burial ser- vice will be held.
Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home is in
charge of funeral ar- rangements.
Louise Joanne Avedisian
Louise Joanne Ave-
disian of Fresno died May 1. She was 83.
Mrs. Avedisian was a teacher for Reedley Community College.
She is survived by one brother, Thomas H. Avedisian of Selma.
A private burial was held at Sanger Cem- etery.
Wallin’s Sanger Fu- neral Home is handling funeral arrangements.
Fireworks show to be included in altered Orosi High graduation plans
By Rick Curiel
Mid Valley Times
Orosi High School has released plans to honor this year’s gradu- ating seniors and those plans, which include moving forward with a fireworks show, go into effect on Tuesday, May 19.
“Our families need to know that we are com- mitted to our students,” said Orosi High princi- pal Roberto Vaca. “We want to give our seniors
the graduation they de- serve.”
Like many other sur- rounding districts, Orosi High will be using a vir- tual gradation format to celebrate their seniors. Beginning Tuesday, se- niors will be gathering at the new George Mill- horn stadium in cap and gown to be recorded one at a time.
To comply with social distancing guidelines, seniors will take part in the graduation by ap- pointment and with up to six family members.
All speeches, includ- ing those of staff and top students, will also be re- corded and later edited into a full length gradu- ation video that will be live-streamed on You- tube on the evening of Thursday, June 4, Orosi High’s originally sched- uled graduation date.
The graduation video will be preceded by a se- nior montage video at 6
Our families need to know that we are committed to our students. We want to give our seniors the graduation they deserve.
p.m. The graduation video, which will be put together by the school’s video production path- way program, will stream at 7 p.m.
After the gradua- tion video, seniors and their families will be allowed to enjoy a fire- works show at the dis- trict’s nearly completed sport complex, north of the high school campus. Spectators will be asked to park at or near the complex and remain in their vehicles for the show.
“We want to make it special,” Vaca added. “They’re hurting. They lost prom, grad night and graduation.”
Vaca also noted that some seniors he’s spoken with have even entered
- Roberto Vaca, Orosi High School Principal
the work force in an ef- fort help support their families during the pan- demic.
Should shelter-in- place and social distanc- ing guidelines be lifted in the near future, Vaca said the district will continue with a full scale gradua- tion at the stadium.
Last year was the first graduation held at the new George Millhorn Stadium and though Va- ca said he would love to give this year’s graduat- ing class the same op- portunity, safety comes first.
Said Vaca, “Safety trumps our good inten- tions.”
As for any return to the classroom this school year, Vaca added, “We’re not going back.”
Published every Thursday by Mid Valley Publishing 1130 “G” Street, Reedley, CA. 93654
(559) 638-2244
Mid Valley Times Staff
Fred Hall
Jon Earnest
Rick Curiel
George M. Villagrana Juanita Adame
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Jessie Curiel Vega
Mrs. Jessie Curiel Vega, age 97,
passed away peacefully in her home
in Cutler on Saturday, May 2, 2020.
She was born in Magdalena, Jalisco, Mexico
on December 22, 1922, to Eduardo and Gabriela (Lopez) Curiel and moved to Dinuba, CA at the age of four. She was the ninth of eleven children. Jessie married her husband, Benny Felix Vega, on June 9, 1940 and was widowed in 1979. Jessie enjoyed many hobbies which included reading, sewing, and especially gardening. Her greatest joy was serving and worshipping God. She became a member of the Cutler Apostolic Church on February 11, 1935; 85 years ago. She was unwavering in her trust and love of God and shared this special love with everyone she met. She had a gi  for making family and friends feel special and everyone wanted to be “her favorite.”
She is preceded in death by her adoring husband, Benny Vega, and her  rstborn son, Benny Jr. She is survived by her sister, Ramona Chavez, and eight children: Dolores, Frank, Michael, Rachel Torreblanca, Elsie Quinones, Angie (Nick) Acevedo, Benita, and Kristina (Raymond) Vasquez. She dearly loved her 20 grandchildren, 43 great-grandchildren, 11 great, great-grandchildren, and many amazing nieces and nephews.
Jessie was buried at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba on May 11. One of her favorite scriptures is Psalms 27:4. “One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek a er, that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.”
December 22, 1922 May 2, 2020

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