Page 4 - Mid Valley Times 5-14-2020 E-edition
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Thursday, May 14, 2020 | A4 | Mid Valley TiMes Editorial & Opinions
Serving the Readers of the Reedley Exponent, Dimuba Sentinel and Sanger Herald.
A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper
Founded March 26, 1891, in a two-story building on the corner of 11th and F streets, by A.S. Jones
Fred Hall — Publisher
In my OPINION Who do we want in charge
of our security, economy?
To paraphrase Michelle Obama,
for the first time in my life, I actu-
ally feel embarrassed and sorry for
a politician. If I remember correctly,
Ms. Obama said for the first time in
her life she was proud of America just
after the country elected her husband
president. For the rest of us, her proc-
lamation of self-satisfaction was not
reassuring and proved only to provide
a chair on the deck as we watched the steady deteriora- tion of this great nation.
Who the hell are the people running the campaign for Joe Biden? They've got to recognize he is an absolute mess which could implode at any time. Biden's early signs of the loss of cognitive dissonance has become truly sad to watch and it seems only to worsen as we approach this fall's general election. That is in no way intended to denigrate those among with dementia, it's often just a part of growing older. The question we have to ask ourselves is, is that someone we want in charge of our country's security and economy?
If elected, it is becoming patently obvious that he will be unable to serve out a four-year term. His selection process for a vice presidential candidate has been so narrowed as to present anyone even remotely capable of running this country. President Donald Trump is bat- tled-hardened, having taken on and humbled some of the worst treatment of any president — ever! There are days when poor Joe isn't certain where he is or, on occa- sion, what office he is seeking.
If you are one of those individuals who are seriously thinking about voting for the candidate of the Democrat- ic Party this fall, please consider the possible ramifica- tions of such a vote. Do you really want someone wind- ing up as president with dubious qualifications when one considers the serious doubts that Biden will be able to serve out a four-year term? Even he has brought up the subject in one of his disjointed press events. Those run- ning mates at this point include a couple of women who ran for the presidential nomination and failed miserably; a woman who ran for governor of Georgia and failed miserably; then there's Hillary Clinton who refuses to go away as well as Michelle Obama who is a longshot and unlikely to take the pay cut to serve.
I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that many of the she- nanigans by Washington insiders in their attempt to get rid of President Trump are, at long last, beginning to jump and bite them in the backside — thanks to our new attorney general, Bill Barr, and his investigative staff and counsels.
Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Adam Schiff, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Peter Strzok, Lisa Paige and a long, sorry list of Democrat House members all are facing a huge embarrassment — hopefully as well as prosecution — for their participation in the attempted overthrow of a duly elected president. The first known attempt at a coup in United States politics.
That flow of previously sealed documents and revela- tions is just beginning at the time this is being written. It appears that the actions of Barr will shed light into the dark corners where the “cockroaches” have been operating.
Speaking of things reaching the point where they can no longer be contained, we take note of the jailing of a beauty shop owner in Dallas. Here is the story of a young woman who was simply trying to pay her mort- gage — and those of her co-workers — while figuring out a way to put food on the table — when a local judge, who was overly full of himself, wanted an apology and admission that her actions were selfish.
Picture this: they want to send this young woman to prison at a time when the system is busy released hard- ened convicts because they “are concerned with the health and well-being of those convicts." Get real!
But, as always, that's only one man's opinion.
Shelter in place inspires a new appreciation for modified sports
Rick Curiel — Sanger Editor Jon Earnest — Reedley Editor Dick Sheppard — Editor Emeritus
“We are generally the better persuaded by the reasons we discover ourselves than by those given to us by others.”
— Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve spoken with lately who have recounted their sil- ver lining stories while under a shelter-in-place order. Well, I could, but it would take up the rest of this column. And, since I’m sure there will be more to come, I’ll save that one for a later date.
But every silver lining story has one common element — a change in perspective. Wheth- er it’s the parents once running from school to practice and from practice to games and re- hearsals now suddenly spend- ing time with their children working on puzzles, playing board games or learning com- mon core — or the worker who suddenly realizes just how im- portant their job is, a change in perspective can offer a greater sense of appreciation.
That being said; please, please bring back sports.
I can already see how modi- fied sports could improve the spectator’s experience.
Take for example the recent UFC event that aired this past Saturday. As the first profes- sional sport to move forward with competition since the shelter-in-place orders went into effect nearly two months ago, the mixed martial arts bouts gave us a glimpse into what sports may look like in the coming weeks.
The obvious difference was the lack of a rowdy audience cheering in various degrees of crescendo. But what was
noticeably present, aside from the customary color commen- tators, were voices from the fighters, the trainers and refer- ees. It offered a more in-depth perspective to the sport.
Sports is a sensory event. For us spectators, we use most- ly our eyes and ears to take in the game. What we have expe- rienced in sports has largely been the norm for the last cen- tury, or more. And the roar of the crowd certainly has been the underlying rhythm of any sporting event.
Take that away and what you get is a closer look at the sports we have loved years.
Imagine Major League Baseball without the fans in the ballpark. Would we hear the discussions at the mound or the disputes at the plate? Do professional baseball play- ers still chant from the dugout? We may just soon find out.
How about games under the National Basketball Associa- tion? Imagine the trash talking that goes on between players on the court. That would sure offer an added level of enter- tainment. Come to think of it, they may want to run NBA games (at least modified ones) on a tape-delay — just saying.
But perhaps the best in- depth perspective offered with- out a live audience would be that of the gridiron. Football, like all other sports, is based upon an agreed-upon strategy. But unlike many other sports, that strategy can change on a
given moment and from play to play.
The sport
of football also
utilizes a con-
stant form of communication
throughout the
game. Plays, reads, audibles, play reviews — all make up a sideline perspective often not experienced by the common fan. Those voices are often muffled or even silenced by the crowd’s roar. Our encoun- ter with sports is often the vi- sual experience of the game combined with the excitement from the cheer of the audience.
But football without a packed stadium would trans- late to a near full-disclosure game. What would football look like when players are no longer X's and O's? Would we hear that wide receiver complaining about being open, again? Would we hear the encouraging words of a quarterback or team lead- er? Would a coach’s wisdom, or lack thereof, be revealed in his words on the sideline to his team? Could we not just see a team rally together but hear them, as well?
Who knows what modified sports would offer us in the coming weeks? But, whatever it is, I’m ready for it. And who knows, it may just offer us yet another silver lining.
Rick Curiel is Sanger editor for The Times.
Rick Curiel
Fred Hall
Schools, colleges step up to brighten seniors' unprecedented experiences
The thought of not having a traditional final year of school for high school and college se- niors, particularly a graduation ceremony high school seniors, has hit home for these students and their families the past two months.
While this time will be a searing memory for the Class of 2020, there also will be ex- periences that are sure to be fondly remembered. I was able to witness two experiences within hours of one another on May 8 — a drive-by greeting of congratulations for a graduat- ing Fresno Pacific University student in Parlier and a Senior Celebration "Drive Thru" for Orange Cove High School se- niors.
The first event was in the late morning, when two ve- hicles carrying officials with
FPU's Social Work program drove past senior Muriel Go- bea's home in south Parlier honking and shouting congrat- ulations. They then got out of their vehicles, snapped photos with Muriel and presented her a certificate for membership from the North American As- sociation of Christians in Social Work. We'll feature this story in next week's Times.
Later in the afternoon, se- niors from OCHS drove along the campus access roads and collected a variety of gradua- tion-related gifts from faculty and staff. Educators at the ele- mentary and junior high levels joined the high school in doling out congratulations.
In addition, our features editor Juanita Adame and fellow editor Rick Curiel at- tended individually recorded
virtual gradua-
tion ceremonies
for students at
Reedley and
Dinuba high
schools, respec-
tively. At both
events, Class
of 2020 seniors
donned their graduation robes and mortarboards and received diplomas with close family in attendance. All the recordings will be played online at both schools' virtual graduation cer- emonies on the scheduled dates of the traditional graduation.
Credit goes out to all educa- tors who have put in the hard work to help make these gradu- ates' experience extra special.
Jon Earnest is Reedley edi- tor for The Times.
Jon Earnest