Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 5-14-2020 E-edition
P. 8
Thursday, May 14, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Fertilization tips for warmer weather
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local garden- ers who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
The garden is in full bloom. Cut flowers and harvest produce fre- quently to encourage repeated production of flowers and veggies. Pull weeds and hoe often.
Tasks for this time of year include water- ing and mowing the lawn. Set mower higher to shade out weeds and keep roots cool.
Be cautious when ap- plying sulfur to grape- vines for mildew control. Damage occurs above 100°F.
Spray aphids with in- secticidal soap or blast with a strong spray of water.
Deeply water fruit and nut trees. Ideally, mature fruit trees should be irrigated to a depth of 3 feet.
When pruning re- member to remove any unwanted sprouts on trunks of trees.
Thin fruit trees al- lowing 4” to 6” between fruit.
Deadhead roses to
encourage repeat bloom- ing.
Remove dead branch- es from shrubs and trees. When fertilizing, feed bedding plants with all- purpose fertilizer high
in phosphorus.
Feed vegetables and
lawns with all-purpose fertilizer.
Planting, spring plant- ing season is over. Any- thing planted this month will need careful water- ing.
Fill in bare spots from earlier plantings of pe- rennials and annuals.
This is the last op- portunity to transplant young plants.
Enjoy these now, annuals and perenni- als: california poppy (Eschscholzia).
Bulbs, corms, tubers: squill (Seilla), Iris, ama- ryllis (Hippeastrum).
Trees, shrubs, vines: oleander (Nerium), violet trump vine (Clytostoma).
Fruits and vegetables: melon, asparagus, cu- cumber.
Things to ponder, trap hand-pick or bait snails, slugs and earwigs.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Last weeks answers
Photo of the week
A photo of Reedley's downtown clock was sent in by Cristian Acevedo of Reedley. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adam e (559) 638-2244
Drs. Grant Nakamura and Amy Shirer
Announce the Closing of their Medical Of ce (CMP Reedley East)
Dear Valued Patients,
We have cherished our relationships with each and every one of you and have been honored by your trust and faith in allowing us the privilege of caring for your health.
It is with mixed emotions that we are formally closing the of ce on May 29th, 2020. If you have not received a letter regarding the closure, please call our of ce at (559) 637-1050 as soon as possible for assistance. It is important to us that you are able to nd a new physician to continue your health care.
If you wish to seek medical care in one of our other of ces in Reedley, Kingsburg, Fresno or Clovis, their contact information can be found at You may also call the Fresno Madera
Medical Society for assistance in nding a physician at 559-224-4224. Community Medical Providers all utilize the same electronic medical record system, so if you choose a physician within our Group, they will have access to your medical records. If you wish to seek care outside of our Group, please let us know so that we can forward your medical records to your new primary care physician.
After May 29th, medical records release request should be sent to: Community Medical Providers, Attn: Kayla Cipriani, 7370 N Palm Ave Suite 101, Fresno, CA 93711. You may also call
(559) 228-5457 for assistance.