Page 6 - Mid Valley Times 12-9-21 e-Edition
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Thursday, December 9, 2021 | A6 | Mid Valley TiMes Community CALEnDAR
To submit an entry, send information to juanita@midvalleypublishing. com or call (559) 875-2511 or (559) 638-2244
   tact Gill (559) 305-1733, Art (559) 802-8146, Joey (559) 900-5470, Tim (559) 827-6832 or Russell at (559 352-7368.
Dinuba Senior Cen- ter - The Coffee & Con- versation group have been crafting fall deco- rated painted jars. We welcome anyone who is
interested in doing this project, just bring your own jars. Paint is pro- vided along with various decoration accents.
We meet on Mondays in the Social Hall from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m., For in- formation contact (559) 591-2450.
 Dec. 18- Dec. 18 - Bethel Church presents the 2nd annual Christ- mas Lights Contest. Decorating time will be from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and event time will be from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Lights
Dec. 18 - Family Christmas 4th Annual Independent Toy Drive presented by the Central Valley Independent Rid- ers. Entry fee is $10, we will meet at 6884 Ave. 416 in Dinuba at 9 a.m.
Kickstands up at 10 a.m. Entry fee is $10 or an unwrapped toy. Con-
Reedley Senior Center
Dec. 9 - Old Town Clo- vis holiday shopping and Sierra Vista Mall lunch bus will leave from the Senior Center at 8:15 a.m., cost will be $6, please RSVP by Monday Dec. 6.
Dec. 10 - Craft Ac- tivity join us in making Christmas tags at 10 a.m. We will provide the sup- plies to make the tags. Hot cocoa and cookies will be served. Please sign up by Wednesday, Dec. 8. There is no cost to participate in this event.
Dec. 14 - Senior Lun- cheon please join us for a delicious Christmas luncheon, entertainment will be provided by the Reedley High School Madrigals and a visit from Santa. RSVP by Fri- day, Dec. 10.
Dec. 15 - Senior Cook- ing Activity will begin at 1 p.m. We will be prepar- ing a Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie. Deadline to sign up for this event is Monday, Dec. 13, Cost $5.
display contest, sign up to decorate a space at Bethel Church on Dec. 18, top three will win. First place $1,000, dead- line to sign up is Dec. 11. Sign up on Facebook at Bethel Church “The Oa-
sis of Hope” or at bethel-
Thank you - The Sanger Chamber would like to thank you the community of Sanger for coming out and sup- porting the 93rd Annual
Nation's Christmas Tree City Toyland Parade. The Chamber could not do these events without the support of our com- munity partners. See you all next year!
The Dinuba Senior Citizen's Inc. Board meetings are conducted on the third Monday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the Social Hall. Con- tact Cece Bobst at (559) 591-2450 for an applica- tion.
Immanuel News Dec. 10 - Artisan Mar- ket . We are excited that the Immanuel Artisan Market is back this com- ing Friday from 1-7 p.m. All vendors are Imman- uel students, K-12. Some items that have been sold at the Market in the past include earrings, orna- ments, cutting boards, candles and baked goods.
Dec. 13 Christmas Concert- Join us in the Chapel at 7p.m. for our Annual Christmas Con- cert! Our Junior High and High School Choirs will be performing. Ad- mission is free. See you there.
Dec. 31 - Central Val- ley Independent Riders 'New Year's Eve Dance' music by New Drink. Event will be held at the Eagles Hall 1230 11th St. in Reedley. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. For tick- ets or info contact Gill (559) 305-1733, Art (559) 802-8146, Joey (559) 900- 5470, Tim (559) 827-6832 or Russell at (559 352- 7368.
  Last week's answers
Due at time of registra- tion. Limited Seating.
Dec. 16 - Senior out- ing to Christmas Tree Lane- Join us for dinner at the Senior Center fol- lowed by a trip to Christ- mas Tree Lane in Fresno, Cost $12-Limited seats- RSVP by Monday, Dec. 13
Dec. 17 Senior Paint Morning. You do not need to know how to paint. You will learn and have fun! Denise will in- struct you step-by-step on creating a snowman. Cost $12, Please RSVP by Tuesday, Dec. 14.
Dec. 21 - Homemade Christmas Cookie Ex- change. Bring two dozen of your favorite home baked cookies, then let’s swap! Cookie boxes pro- vided. Please RSVP with Jodi by Friday, Dec. 17.
Dec. 23 - Senior Cine- ma and Ice Cream Social at 1 p.m.
Dec. 28 - Reedley Se- nior Center Bingo and Pizza Party. Bingo will begin at 10:30 a.m. Fol- lowing bingo is a pizza lunch. The cost for lunch is $3. Due at time of reg-
istration. Please RSVP before Monday Dec. 28 to reserve your spot for bingo and /or lunch.
For any informatioin on Senior Center events call (559) 637-4207.
Reedley Senior Cen- ter is open Monday- Friday 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Enjoy the morning with friends. The pool table is available for those who wish to play pool. Cof- fee and pastries will be served.
Gleaners (drive thru) Every Wednesday 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Available from 9 - 9:30 a.m for those who do not have a vehicle.
Every Wednesday - Men’s Hobby Time 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Join us in the Senior Center for a game of poker and pool.
City of Reedley
Dec. 10 Movie in the Park at Pioneer Park, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Reserved seating (559) 637-4203 for sign up. First come first serve seating as well.
   Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame
(559) 638 - 2244
Fresno County Area
                     This information is brought to you by Mid Valley Publishing Company
           Hector Barr 11-1-77
5’ 10, 200 lbs. Identity Theft Wart# F20903643
Edwin Elwell 7-17-71
5’ 3, 170 lbs. Revocationof Community Supervision Wart# R20900091-3
Jose Garcia 4-22-73
5’ 11, 195 lbs. Possessionof Controlled Substance/Sell Wart# F19905180
Tony Guerrero 8-28-85
5’ 10, 170 lbs. Domestic Violence Wart# F21900581
David Hoover 10-26-61
6’ 1, 195 lbs. Criminal Threats Wart# F21904851
Humberto Marron 1-13-81
5’ 10, 260 lbs. Assault Wart# F21908579
Leshe Meyer 12-26-83
5’ 5, 155 lbs. Stolen Vehicle Wart# F19904801
Juan Montes 4-17-86
5’ 11, 85 lbs. Sale/Transport Controlled Substance Wart#: F21905299
Ralph Olivas 2-12-71
5’ 11, 187 lbs. Residential Burglary Wart# F21908633
Steven Youngblood 9-13-76
6’ 1, 180 lbs. Domestic Violence Wart# F21908588
If you know where any of these fugitives are located,
you can remain anonymous, and if your information leads to an arrest... you will receive a REWARD of up to $1,000.
Call Fresno Area Crime Stoppers at 498-STOP or 498-7867

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