Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 12-9-21 e-Edition
P. 7

                 Thursday, December 9, 2021
     The View From Here
Sanger's Toyland parade returns
  It was sometime during the month of October or early No- vember.
I noticed a missed call from Karen
She is the president for
the Sanger Chamber of Commerce. I made a men- tal note to call her back and of course I forgot.
A few days later I heard from Karen again. This time I picked up. I figured Karen was calling to let me know how things went for the Tom Flores “Home- coming Celebration” back in Sept.
It’s always good to talk with Karen. She has this magnetic energy about her, that can be quite con- tagious. She then wasted no time in telling me why she was calling.
“I’d like for you to em- cee the Toyland Parade this year,” she said.
"Over on the side stage by the Oasis Bar right?” I responded.
“No,"shesaid. "Wewant you on the main stage in downtown with Mike and Justin Weber.”
I paused. My memory flashed back to each Toy- land Parade I’d attended throughout my life. First memory that popped up came from the late 1980s. It rained that year. My fam- ily and I sat underneath our umbrellas with our Jeffer- son Tigers jackets on.
That was the elemen- tary school I attended as a child. I also remembered the time I walked in the parade with my cheer team from Jefferson. I would say it was circa 1989. For those not familiar with Sanger, our ToylandParadeis“the main event” in Sanger.
All of us locals know and understand how im- portant this event is to our city. Now I was going to be sitting on the main stage emceeing it.
Not the side stage or holding a Division sign like I had in years past. This time my voice would be heard throughout town. ‘Karen are you sure?” I asked. “Yes!” she said. “You guys will be great!” I felt honored, scared, excited.I was able to share the stage with my good friend Rolinda Hernandez. She was there as a judge. It was one of the most memo- rable events and one of the highlights of my career so far. Thank you Karen for allowing me the opportuni- tytobepartofsuchawon- derful and longtime Sanger tradition.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
A record breaking crowd filled downtown Sanger and welcomed the 73rd annual Toyland Parade on the morn- ing of Dec. 4.
"The Sanger Chamber would like to thank you the community of Sanger for coming out and support- ing the our annual Nation's Christmas Tree City Toyland Parade,"Chamber president, Karen Pearson said.
"The Chamber could not do these events without the sup- port of our community part- ners."
In all, more than 90 entries some of which were school floats, local businesses, and first responders all partici- pated in this year's parade.
The parade made a come- back following a break due to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020.
Some of this years winners included, the Bark Lounge for Best Commercial. Del Rey El- ementary School took home the award for Best School.
Baile Folklorico Marimba de Fresno was this year's win- ner for best civic organization. Best cars trucks and motorcy- cles went to Skullhunter 4X4.
Sanger VROP Sanger Fire
Best Animal or Mounted Far Style took home the award
 Juanita Adame
 Students encouraged to apply for Golden 1 scholarships
JuanitaAdame /MidValleyTimes
Sanger Fire Department Lt. Keith Sanders drove Santa Claus down 7th Street on the morning of Dec. 4 for the final parade float of the city's annual Toyland Parade.
for Best Animal or mounted entry. Judges Choice award went to the Veterans of For- eign Wars. Best Overall Entry was won by Wilson Elementa- ry School.
The parade also featured this year's Chamber Citi- zen's Award winners, Fresno County Board of Supervisors, Buddy Mendes, Miss Sanger Izabella Jimenez as well as members of the Sanger City Council.
For more information on this year's Toyland Parade visit the Sanger Chamber of Commerce Facebook page.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
The Jackson Elementary School Jaguars drove through downtown Sanger in their gold and blue float representing the schools colors.
Dinuba to host pancake breakfast with the Grinch
The Golden 1 Credit Union has opened the application period for its 2022 scholar- ship program.
"Golden 1 will award $400,000 in scholarships to select students seeking higher education," the Credit Union wrote in a statement. The application period will run through January 31, 2022.
The scholarship program provides its members and their families financial assis- tance.
According to information from Golden 1, "Scholarships can be valued at up to $20,000 per student, to attend full- time accredited, nonprofit two-year community colleges or four-year colleges and uni- versities in California."
The credit union, which is based in Sacrament, said they believes it’s especially impor- tant to offer scholarships for higher education.
“Each year, we receive a pool of applicants who con- tinue to amaze and inspire us,” said Erica Taylor, Vice President of Communications and Community Relations for Golden 1 Credit Union.
“Golden 1 is proud to help a new generation of leaders from the communities we serve pursue their education and dreams while alleviating some of the worry that comes with education-related costs.”
According to information
The Dinuba Chamber of Commerce will be having a pancake breakfast on Satur- day, Dec. 11.
The event will be held at the New Life Community Di- nuba and will begin at 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. and will also in- clude a visit from the Grinch
"We ask that everyone brings a new unwrapped toy to donate to our giving tree,"
the chamber stated on their Facebookpage. Theeventis targeted at helping those in need throughout the holiday season.
The price will be $7 for adults and $5 for children. Under 3 is free.
The Dinuba Chamber is asking any organization or business that would like to get involved in the breakfast to contact (559) 901-8964 for more information.
 “Each year, we receive a pool of applicants who continue to amaze and inspire us.”
Erica Taylor Golden 1 Credit Union
  provided by the credit union, in 2021, they awarded schol- arships to 43 California stu- dents to help offset the finan- cial costs of college.
Students received awards based on their academic achievements and demonstra- tion of community involve- ment. Recipients ranged from incoming college freshmen to college seniors attending in- state colleges or universities.
“Golden 1’s scholarship program provides a wonder- ful opportunity to expand ed- ucational resources to Califor- nia students,” added Taylor. “We encourage all who qual- ify to apply for the Golden 1 Credit Union scholarship pro- gram as they continue their educational journeys.”
For more information about the Golden 1 scholar- ship program, visit golden1. com/our-community/scholar- ships.
Photo of the week
This photo of Reedley High School junior Madison Lunceford ready to play in the Big Green Marching Machine was sent in by ShawnLunceford. Haveaphotoyou'dlikefeatured?Emailjuani-

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