Page 202 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 202

                                          TOTAL 2021-22 CITY GOVERNMENT
                                    GENERAL CITY BUDGET, INDEPENDENT DEPARTMENTS,
                                         GRANTS AND OTHER NON-BUDGETED FUNDS

                                                                               Appropriations   Authorized
                                                                                 ($ Millions)   Positions
                  I.  Independent Departments

                       Airports                                                $               7,803.4                 3,981
                       Harbor                                                                     1,710.2                      999
                       Water and Power                                                        10,045.7               12,989

                                                                     Total     $               19,559.3                 17,969
                  II. General City Budget

                    Animal Services                                            $                    47.1                      335
                    Building and Safety                                                             198.5                      911
                    Cannibis Regulation                                                                 6.7                          6

                    City Administrative Officer                                                       27.6                    116
                    City Attorney                                                                   234.1                      889
                    City Clerk                                                                        24.8                      115
                    City Planning                                                                     88.3                      399
                    Civil, Human Rights, and Equity                                                     4.3                        1
                    Community Investment for Families                                                 17.2                        35
                    Economic Development                                                              31.2                        88

                    Controller                                                                        48.4                    154
                    Convention and Tourism Development                                                54.9                      12

                    Council                                                                           49.1                    108

                    Cultural Affairs                                                                  26.6                      67
                    El Pueblo                                                                           5.4                        9
                    Emergency Management                                                                6.0                      19

                    Fire                                                                          1,157.7                 3,804

                    Finance                                                                           78.5                      337

                    Housing                                                                         111.4                    514
                    Mayor                                                                             19.1                        94
                    Neighborhood Empowerment                                                            4.8                      30

                    Police                                                                        2,998.6               13,744

                    Public Accountability                                                               4.2                        9

                    Public Works (Street Services, Sanitation, etc.)                            1,503.7                 5,316

                    Transportation                                                                  332.8                   1,419
                    Youth Development                                                                   1.4                          1
                    Zoo                                                                               40.4                      246
                    Other budgetary departments                                                       27.8                    102

                    Library                                                                         276.8                   1,117
                    Recreation and Parks                                                            369.0                 1,398

                    Support department costs allocated to line departments                                 --                   2,167 *
                    Bond Redemption and Interest                                                    119.3                        --
                    Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program                          416.2                        --
                    Leasing                                                                           21.2                        --
                    General City Purposes                                                           333.6                        --
                    Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund                                     287.4                        --
                    Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Improvement Fund                              22.9                        --
                    Unappropriated Balance                                                          531.5                        --
                    Wastewater Special Purpose Fund                                                 615.3                        --
                    Special Parking Revenue Fund                                                      50.2                        --
                    Other (Various Special Purpose Funds; Independent Department costs
                      which are reimbursed)                                                     1,286.3                        --

                                                                     Total     $             11,480.3               33,562

                  III.  Grants and Other Non-Budgeted Funds
                    Federal Job Training, Pension Fund Investment Earnings, less
                      interdepartmental transfers                              $                 1,635.7                        --
                                                                Grand Total    $               32,675.3                 51,531
                  * General Services (1,294), Information Technology Agency (395), and Personnel (466).
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