Page 206 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
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                                                      DIRECT COSTS OF OPERATION INCLUDING COSTS IN OTHER BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS
                                                           ALLOCATION OF NON-DEPARTMENTAL AND SERVICE DEPARTMENT COSTS
                                        Pensions  Human                      All Other  Capital  Liability           Total     Costs              Total Direct
                                         and     Resources  Water and   Building  Departmental  Improvements  Claims and  Other  Allocated  Allocated to  Budget  Cost of
        Department                     Retirement  Benefits  Electricity  Services  Related Costs  and Financing  Financing  Allocations  Costs  Other Budgets  Appropriations  Operations

        Aging                                   1,293,154  786,589  845  626     306,810     -        10,743             17,676,168  20,074,935  -      7,080,691             27,155,626

        Animal Services                         7,427,271  6,378,580            1,290,017            2,744,697  2,730,314  143,967  648,871  1,616,615  22,980,332  -    25,733,887             48,714,219

        Building and Safety                   36,151,110            15,795,136  636,966            1,276,938  5,994,187  5,789,145  -   204,070  65,847,552  -    132,873,432           198,720,984

        Cannabis Regulation                     1,203,602    99,393  57,286  78,328  87,109  -         -     2,021,587  3,547,305   -    5,212,982  8,760,287

        City Administrative Officer             5,338,698  1,859,126  532,876            1,121,922  751,510  -   112,615    2,381,916  12,098,663  -    17,889,380             29,988,043

        City Attorney                         46,372,906            16,200,201            1,569,589              4,319,624           10,723,167  581,483    3,951  5,440,413  85,211,334  -    154,287,846           239,499,180
        City Clerk                              3,534,251    1,951,826  507,848            1,940,307  891,858  -   181,819  9,199,245  18,207,154  -    15,818,388             34,025,542

        City Planning                         15,072,992  6,419,259    500,079            1,175,600  2,666,737  2,509,797  422,800    605,097  29,372,361  -    59,541,592             88,913,953

        Civil, Human Rights and Equity      822,473  15,796  57,286      70,386    4,027     -         -   13,371,587  14,341,555   -      3,316,074             17,657,629

        Community Investment for Families            2,071,890  588,717  -   -   142,923     -         -   31,749,000  34,552,530   -      14,387,309             48,939,839
        Controller                              5,806,140  2,459,785  505,223              1,063,699           19,034,638  -   16,708  1,834,109  30,720,302  -    19,494,083             50,214,385

        Convention and Tourism Development    425,413    242,037  -       -       69,989  52,745,257   -     5,000,000  58,482,696  -    1,449,715             59,932,411

        Council                                 5,071,226  1,781,027    849,493            4,177,493  3,071,023  24,117  124,714  45,575,273  60,674,366  -      33,217,778             93,892,144

        Cultural Affairs                        2,136,039    1,149,361  668,741            1,291,761  531,281  494,261  -     2,731,229  9,002,673  -      20,294,815             29,297,488

        Disability                        892,597     430,359  14,685   192    159,032       -         -         62  1,496,927      -    4,800,246    6,297,173

        Economic and Workforce Development            4,809,434  1,590,681    191,080  -   729,835  -   -            76,600,000  83,921,030  -    23,854,131           107,775,161

        El Pueblo de Los Angeles          282,550     144,788   -    2,776,034  251,025  284,711    2,024  1,148,123  4,889,255     -      1,646,880  6,536,135

        Emergency Management                    1,038,633    360,976  57,286    264,157    670,854  -   -    81,033  2,472,939      -    3,603,615  6,076,554

        Employee Relations Board          98,914      47,782  13,955     70,386    19,273    -         -     21,587     271,897     -     455,102   726,999

        Ethics Commission                       1,132,813  505,488  65,070    208,671    191,938  5,069,847  -   64,083  7,237,910  -      4,098,836             11,336,746

        Finance                               10,907,748  6,154,265    283,994            3,099,259             13,001,946  633,468  256,841    307,723  34,645,244  -    44,207,060             78,852,304

        Fire                                  207,682,009          117,861,332              7,276,693            11,602,819             38,001,081  27,530,062  1,464,508             49,940,314           461,358,818  -      746,268,351        1,207,627,169

        General Services                      36,768,155            25,065,949            2,523,417            9,393,764             10,450,087  38,475,843  209,498    2,845,215             125,731,928           (379,205,190)    253,473,262  -

        Housing                               21,483,741    8,645,727  -   -   3,529,386  1,045,653    -     137,179,562           171,884,069  -    76,706,586           248,590,655

        Information Technology Agency          15,200,936    6,884,615            1,234,743              3,597,179             28,542,888  6,191,604  23,708    2,920,373  64,596,046           (180,426,216)    115,830,170  -

        Mayor                                   2,197,506  1,494,957    389,077              1,102,064  4,711,905  -   65,857  41,939,247  51,900,613  -    9,115,178             61,015,791

        Neighborhood Empowerment          864,649   521,376    38,191  116,984  215,088      -      59,271     53,488  1,869,047    -    3,014,987  4,884,034

        Personnel                             17,212,596  8,187,672    658,027              1,146,848  2,148,743  4,743  1,581           10,934,097  40,294,307           (110,220,018)  69,925,711  -

        Police                              641,925,978            347,656,148          14,036,152          35,946,363         137,591,271  52,629,705    7,944,465           72,093,280        1,309,823,362  -    1,760,908,714        3,070,732,076

        Public Accountability             527,906     142,168  26,594    74,435    46,516    -         -      772,871  1,590,490    -      3,347,410  4,937,900

        Board of Public Works                   3,347,741    1,468,983    225,223  630,392    613,688  366,099  -     7,937,954  14,590,080  -    36,740,030             51,330,110


        Bureau of Contract Administration          12,901,571    4,641,750  127,213    120,348  1,979,139  9,281,884  374,395    144,501  29,570,801  -    45,214,889             74,785,690

        Bureau of Engineering                 31,076,646              11,856,495    841,601  697,298  5,559,462  11,084,263  920,138    476,002  62,511,905  -      104,891,961           167,403,866

        Bureau of Sanitation                  93,686,523              58,644,127            27,447,356              6,051,050         123,019,371           135,173,521    7,784,760  46,581,029           498,387,737  -      344,662,092           843,049,829

        Bureau of Street Lighting               9,521,877    3,511,229              4,859,100    67,736  4,040,269  14,388,206  57,227    15,038,301  51,483,945  -      41,267,054             92,750,999

        Bureau of Street Services             32,144,863            17,849,559              2,042,704            1,698,502             38,920,681  4,468,612             42,151,670  16,223,435             155,500,026  -    205,238,617           360,738,643

        Transportation                        46,928,998            28,891,898              1,366,946              6,361,007             17,341,758  9,547,796             17,433,747    10,774,024           138,646,174  -      204,941,210           343,587,384

        Youth Development                   216,089    15,796    13,955    70,386  4,027     -         -      321,587  641,840      -    1,067,131    1,708,971

        Zoo                                     5,782,655    4,517,577  326,803  -   2,370,964  2,524,770  4,565             12,411,598  27,938,932  -    24,891,776             52,830,708

                   Subtotal--Budgetary Departments      1,331,360,293           712,818,530           71,236,114         104,357,255          481,115,800            380,988,814            80,276,476          646,215,798         3,808,369,080           (669,851,424)       4,640,768,971        7,779,286,627

        Appropriations to City Employees' Retirement  -    -    -         -        -         -         -        -         -   (129,047,678)          129,047,678  -

        Appropriations to Library Fund          25,595,335              18,378,893            5,010,000              2,192,039  7,282,597  5,304  303,656    789,483  59,557,307  -    217,990,021           277,547,328

        Appropriations to Recreation and Parks Fund          37,927,055              28,624,856  -   110,087             30,662,699  1,631,151  6,789,940           103,658,205             209,403,993  -    263,231,301           472,635,294

                          Total--Departmental      1,394,882,683           759,822,279           76,246,114         106,659,381          519,061,096            382,625,269            87,370,072          750,663,486         4,077,330,380           (798,899,102)       5,251,037,971        8,529,469,249
        Bond Redemption and Interest         -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -         -             119,324,987           119,324,987
        Capital Finance Administration       -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -     (251,986,609)          251,986,609  -
        Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program  -    -   -   -     -         -         -        -         -      (27,331,290)          416,178,078           388,846,788
        General City Purposes                -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -     (257,392,926)          333,589,539             76,196,613

        Human Resources Benefits             -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -   (774,377,710)          774,377,710  -
        Leasing                              -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -      (21,221,181)            21,221,181  -
        Liability Claims                     -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -      (87,370,072)            87,370,072  -
        Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund  -    -     -         -        -         -         -        -         -         -           287,369,505           287,369,505
        Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Improvement Fund  -    -   -   -       -         -         -        -         -         -             22,858,227             22,858,227
        Special Parking Revenue Fund         -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -         -             50,193,871             50,193,871

        Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes   -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -   (1,333,686,071)       1,333,686,071  -
        Unappropriated Balance               -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -     (461,589,269)          531,532,846             69,943,577
        Wastewater Special Purpose Fund      -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -     (162,451,022)          615,263,626           452,812,604
        Water and Electricity                -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -      (48,798,758)            48,798,758  -
        Other Special Purpose Funds          -         -        -         -        -         -         -        -         -      (13,814,617)       1,335,499,061        1,321,684,444
                      Subtotal--Nondepartmental  -     -        -         -          -       -         -          -       -    (3,440,019,525)       6,229,250,141        2,789,230,616

        Other Agencies                       129,047,678             14,555,430  -    -      4,155,516  5,365,006  -   8,464,617            161,588,247  -    -             161,588,247

                                 Total      1,523,930,361           774,377,709           76,246,114         106,659,381          523,216,612            387,990,275            87,370,072          759,128,103         4,238,918,627        (4,238,918,627)     11,480,288,112      11,480,288,112
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