Page 473 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 473

          SCHEDULE 16
                                         CONVENTION CENTER REVENUE FUND
          Section 8.148 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Convention Center Revenue Fund.  All revenues derived from
          the operation of the Convention Center shall be paid at the direction of the Executive Director of the Convention Center into either
          accounts maintained by the private entity under contract with the City to manage, operate and maintain the Convention Center or into
          the fund.  Such funds may be used for the expense of operation, management, maintenance, and improvement of the Center.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
                19,679,539       19,115,851  Cash Balance, July 1                                        12,971,851
                        -                -  CUSTDEPO1 Customer Deposits and Other Liabilities             1,804,414
                        -                -  LACCRESERVE1 LACC Private Operator Reserve                    3,072,262
                19,679,539        19,115,851  Balance Available, July 1                                   8,095,175
                 6,320,795        6,300,000  11,736 Convention Revenues                                   1,174,740
                26,102,986        9,204,000  11,771.5 LACC Private Operator Receipts                     18,350,673
                52,103,320        34,619,851  Total Revenue                                              27,620,588

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                 1,267,959        1,107,000  213 Convention and Tourism Development                       1,174,740
                      576                -  229 Council                                                          -
                    2,893             3,000  455 Information Technology Agency                               3,719
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                25,142,425        14,768,000  2,329  LACC Private Operator Account                       21,141,731
                 5,000,000        5,000,000  2,330  LACC Private Operator Cash Flow                       5,000,000
                 1,573,616          770,000  2,336  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                    300,398

                32,987,469        21,648,000  Total Appropriations                                       27,620,588
                19,115,851        12,971,851  Ending Balance, June 30                                           -

          LACC Private Operator Reserve reflects the balance of the reserve account held by the private operator of the Los Angeles
          Convention Center.
          LACC Private Operator Receipts reflect operating revenue generated by the Los Angeles Convention Center (Convention Center),
          which is collected and managed by the private operator in a private operating account, pursuant to the Management Agreement
          between the City and the private operator.
          LACC Private Operator Account reflects private account from which the private operator manages and spends revenue collected
          from operating the Convention Center, pursuant to the Management Agreement.

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