Page 476 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 476

          SCHEDULE 19
          Division 6, Chapter 3 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (LAAC) provides for annual assessments for the maintenance or
          improvement of street lighting in or along public streets, alleys or other public places in the City.  Section 6.118 of the LAAC provides
          that all funds collected shall be placed in the Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund for payment of the expense of
          maintaining and operating the street lighting system.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
                14,568,096        9,462,324  Cash Balance, July 1                                         4,939,324
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           3,416,831
                14,568,096        9,462,324  Balance Available, July 1                                    1,522,493
                   433,897          433,000  11,739 Damage Claims                                          400,000
                    88,847          228,000  11,772 Maintenance Agreement Receipts                         231,600
                 1,234,978        20,412,000  11,791 Permit Fees                                         22,799,000
                 8,789,350               -  11,792 Permits and Fees                                             -
                 1,194,144        2,932,000  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                     3,750,000
                45,863,900        46,458,000  11,825 Assessments                                         45,787,000
                 1,225,469        1,683,000  11,838 Other Financing Sources                                760,000
                 2,397,262          220,000  11,840 Other Receipts                                         215,000
                75,795,943        81,828,324  Total Revenue                                              75,465,093

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                        -            45,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                      -
                    35,485           29,000  331 Finance                                                    35,537
                 1,126,732          946,000  383 General Services                                         1,059,526
                   108,282           86,000  455 Information Technology Agency                             132,220
                   120,366          176,000  513 Personnel                                                 120,384
                   345,140          289,000  575 Board of Public Works                                     262,908
                   111,200           75,000  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                          58,484
                   102,519          116,000  607 Bureau of Engineering                                      73,380
                29,029,104        29,244,000  653 Bureau of Street Lighting                              29,990,173
                        -           500,000  667 Bureau of Street Services                                       -
                11,860,259        11,011,000  847 Capital Finance Administration                         11,223,214
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                        -         2,053,000  2,365  Assessment District Analysis                                 -
                 1,903,220          847,000  2,396  CIEP St Lighting Rehab Projects                              -
                    26,257               -  2,481  Electric Vehicle Infrastructure                               -
                 5,581,202        10,000,000  2,488  Energy                                              11,000,000
                   268,432          268,000  2,491  Energy Conservation Assistance Loan Repayment          268,432
                   221,947               -  2,494  Enhanced MTA Bus Stops Security Lighting                      -
                   421,869               -  2,507  Fleet Replacement                                             -
                   210,781               -  2,520  Graffiti Removal                                        330,000
                   248,208               -  2,662  LED Fixtures                                                  -
                    5,540            10,000  2,724  Official Notices                                        10,000
                    9,804                -  2,751  Pole Painting                                                 -
                    57,008               -  2,842  Smart Nodes                                                   -
                        -            75,000  2,843  Strategic Plan FUSE Fellow                                   -
                    42,625               -  2,848  Sewer Service Charge Refunds                                  -

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