Page 105 - Mercian Eagle 2012
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                                  abseiling, gorge walking, fieldcraft and of course, drill.
For the MERCIAN Cadets, they walked away with some of the biggest smiles on their faces after putting in an excellent contribution over the last year, when it came to the end of camp presentations. The MERCIAN Cadets contributed significantly to their Company winning both the Champion Company for Hereford & Worcester and the Sports Shield for
the 2011/2012 year. To top the year of achievements for the MERCIAN contingent, Cadet Sgt James Bradbury was selected nationally to attend a 2 week programme in Africa on exercise Kwazulu-Natal Northern Venturer 2012, which involved community work in helping disadvantaged children and adventurous training.
After initial entry stages involving cadets nationally, James went on to win a place on the final selection weekend. He was then selected, after what the organisers described as a very competitive selection process. Having gained one of the prized 46 cadet places, James went on to attend several pre-Expedition Mountain Training events at Halton Training Camp. After the
MERCIAN Cadets take a break while on Annual Camp
final session, James was finally chosen as one of the 25 Cadets in the UK to attend. His final challenge was to raise £1000 to win his final confirmed place.
The MERCIAN Cadet Detachments remain strong and contribute significantly to the overall success of the Battalion.
 Mercian Cadet Surprises Everyone at Royal Visit
By Capt G Neal
It’s not every day the Queen visits the County, and it is almost as rare that a Cadet impresses everyone
by showing their knowledge of regimental history and traditions exceeds the rest of their detachment!
On the occasion of the Queen’s Jubilee visit to Worcester, Cadets from the Battalion were given the responsibility of forming a Guard of Honour along the streets of Worcester for this very important visit by the Queen.
However, one cadet turned up proudly displaying two oak leaves in his cap badge and a beaming smile. His fellow Cadets, impressed by the new look, asked if he had taken the cross country route to the parade, with the occasional giggle. But they were firmly and quickly put in their place, when he explained that it
was tradition for the members of the Mercian Regiment to wear the two Oak leaves whenever any member of British royalty with the title of HM or HRH was present.
He went on to explain that King George V in 1933 confirmed the right to wear oak leaves in the presence of Royalty. This honour was bestowed as a result of the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 when King George II was at risk of capture. He was saved by the predecessors of the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment forming a square around an oak tree and protecting him.
So, now it is retests for the other cadets on parade. But they have
an excellent tutor who has already volunteered to help his fellow cadets.
     Winners First Aid two of the four badged MERCIAN Cadets
A MERCIAN Cadet on Annual Camp

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