Page 80 - LBV 2017
P. 80
LBV Dinner 2016
The LBV dinner is an annual event run by the Light Blue Volunteers. It is for the alumni of Cambridge UOTC, supported by staff and senior OCdts of the serving unit- in other words people like you ! It is a great opportunity to see former colleagues and friends, find out what they have been up to and enjoy a generous three course meal and drinks. As a newly promoted JUO in my third year, it was my first time at the formal event, which was held at Selwyn College on the evening of the 19th November.
On arriving at Selwyn College, I was swept straight into it, which started off with the chance to socialise with other guests... in the presence of a cheap cash bar. Although I did not see any former OCdts that I knew well, a lot of current staff and students were in attendance and I was lucky enough to meet some of their contemporaries. If there was
a uniting factor between any of them, apart from being OTC alumni, it was just how much fun their new jobs sounded! In half an hour, I met people employed to be a covert surveillance operator for HMRC, a Royal Marine, Armed Forces teacher, and many others exciting jobs. I can only hope that that trend continues with myself! After a few drinks, we all went to dinner in the dining hall, where the various conversations were continued. The regimental silver was on display, including several swords, which was pretty interesting for me. We also had the band of the Royal Anglians play throughout the event, which was another great touch.
The best part of the evening, however was getting to talk with some of our guests and colleagues and hear about their stories. As an OCdt at the start of my career, hearing about what the various people had done and planned to do, in a relaxed setting was a rewarding experience. For that reason alone, I’d strongly recommend the dinner to anyone who wants to hear more about the military, or would like perspective on what is available to them.
One beetroot tart, beef sirloin and crème brulee later, it was time to begin drawing down the event. Over the next hour or so, guests began to drift away, but then myself, some of the other cadets and staff went to Weatherspoon’s to continue the celebrations. In conclusion, it is safe to say it was a very entertaining, fun and useful function, which I am looking forward to attending again in 2017. JUO Fonseka,
University of East Anglia,
Advance Wing (Mafeking)