Page 12 - Cadet Review Spring 2025
P. 12

 Joint Service News
younger cadets, especially those with additional
needs is excellent and he does this in a way that
makes the cadets feel very comfortable accepting
help. His knowledge of aircraft and RAF history is
extensive, and he thoroughly enjoys teaching these
topics to younger cadets. He was a key member of the
Read School’s first ever Royal Air Squadron Trophy
(RAST) competition team, not just as a participant
but for his caring and supportive approach to all the
other team members. Leon was a key cadet in the
dark period when the Read RAF section was almost
closed. It is without doubt that his resilience and
perseverance during that time have been a big part of
the renaissance of the section.
Cadet Sergeant Louis Taylor loves all things cadets
whether that is weapons training, fieldcraft or drill,
which makes him the ideal "go to" when a competition
is due. For this reason, he has represented Sheffield
at Football, Rowing, Drill and Fieldcraft. He has
represented the Area at Drill, as part of the first drill
team from Sheffield to represent at Nationals. He
was also involved in the Gibraltar Cup Competition
where he was section second in command. He was
exemplary! He has a BTEC Level 1 (SCQF Level 4)
in Teamwork Personal Skills for Uniformed Youth
Organisation, and he recently undertook a Rotary
Club Young Leaders Award,
Cadet Sergeant Matthew Bruce successfully
accomplished a Junior Cadet Leadership course, and
he continues to exhibit his leadership commitment,
making him a great asset to the ACF.
His commitment and perseverance are evident in
his exceptional progress during his time with the ACF,
where he has now attained the rank of a 4* training
cadet, before he moves on the training of Master
Cadet. He represented the company in the County
Champion Cadet Competition, where he emerged
2nd in the overall standings, surpassing senior and
experienced cadets, thus displaying his immense
potential. Moreover, he has participated in several
shooting weekends and competitions, reflecting his
excellent shooting skills.
Cadet Flight Sergeant Ellie Woodhead is an
outstanding cadet on the squadron. Since joining
immediately after the covid closure, she quickly
established herself as a real character, with a great
deal of potential. Whilst her clear passion and
skill are for shooting – which she excels at, having
narrowly missed out on selection for the International
Athelings team, she has also proven that she can
turn herself to any activity, getting involved in
leadership training, First Aid, Cyber and Radio, Duke
of Edinburgh’s Award, in addition to Archery and
mountain biking.
Cadet Sergeant Major Abdulla Abdulwahed has
shown exemplary leadership skills within the cadets,
school and the public. His enthusiasm for what he
does clearly shows when encouraging others, no
matter what the task. When assisting on parent
evenings he is always polite, understanding, efficient,
not hesitating to translate for parents when needed.
Abdulla takes on a mentoring role to other pupils
in lessons to support theirs and his own learning
It is without
doubt that his
resilience and
during that
time have
been a big
part of the
of the section.
and understanding. He is a role model to others
when it comes to communications with other ethnic
communities, cultures and religions within the school
and local community. As an in-school Parliamentary
Representative he regularly negotiates with
governors and the Principal on ways to improve the
school for both teachers and pupils ensuring that
pupil opinions and needs are supported.
Able Cadet Jessica Wood is a very committed,
confident cadet who participates fully in cadet
activities and diligently balances this alongside her
academic studies. She is a confident young person
who demonstrates an effective leadership style
and uses her calm manner encouraging younger
cadets and peers, to be a consistent role model. She
exhibited great confidence and showed leadership
with cadet’s 1st boating experience, as a competent
sailor and rower, she took an anxious and nervous
cadet who has never been on the water and helped
them to enjoy their time on the water and look
forward to coming back again and learning a new
Cadet Sergeant Major Callum Dickson has been a
member of the ACF for relatively short period of time,
a little over two years. In that time has shown to many
his abilities, his dedication to the organisation and his
willingness to help and support his fellow cadets.
His enthusiasm towards the organisation is evident
in his level of subject knowledge and the experience
that he has gained, which he passes onto his fellow
cadets at every opportunity.
He has completed his silver DofE and is now
working towards completing his gold DofE award,
this further demonstrates his determination to
complete something and achieve the goals he has set
himself, ultimately inspiring others to persevere to
achieve their goals too.
Cadet Warrant Officer Jake Thomas joined 185
(Batley) Squadron in 2023 from 250 (Halifax)
Squadron wishing to further develop his leadership
and coaching skills in the fields of adventure training
and marksmanship. He is an excellent mentor and
leader of the cadet NCO team, and he has developed
his team to a high level. His experience as the initial
training flight commander for 2 years taught him
patience and the importance of good communication
skills which he has mastered.
Through his progression in the field of adventure
training he has become a competent mountaineer
and climber. He became the youngest RAFAC cadet to
become a mountain biking instructor in 2023 and he
has used these skills to train and develop numerous
junior cadets and support the wing adventure training
camps as a qualified staff member. He understands
the importance of teamwork and fits naturally
into the squadron team. His self-discipline is to be
commended, and this has assisted him in achieving
numerous awards such as his advanced marksman
on the L98 rifle. He performed well on the Air Cadet
leadership Course and achieved a Gold award for
leadership in addition to a professional ILM level 3
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