Page 14 - Cadet Review Spring 2025
P. 14
Joint Service News
The Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull & Admiral
of the Humber with AC Teagen Chapman who
stood in for the Lord Mayor’s Cadet
Services to commemorate the Battle of
Britain took place in the East Riding and Hull
where Sea and Air Cadets came together to
remember “The Few”.
The Air Cadets on parade
Air Commodore Ian Stewart CBE DL BSc
FRAes RAF with the Lord-Lieutenant
of the East Riding of Yorkshire’s Cadet
(Designate) LC Lydia Moynihan-Case
The air hung heavy with anticipation in the Mansion
House, Doncaster on the evening of Monday 23rd
September., The magnificent Georgian building was
more than just an architectural treasure; it was a
beacon of respect, honour, and gratitude. Its grand
ballroom had been transformed into a place of
tribute, a place where history came to life. Cadets
from all three services, Army, Navy, and Air Force
gathered with their families and alongside local
dignitaries for the Tri-Service Presentation Night, an
event celebrating their dedicated work and research
into the lives of the fallen heroes.
The project had begun months earlier, as a
partnership between the cadets and the Victoria
Cross Trust. Together, they embarked on a mission
that was both profound and personal; to map war
graves in the local area, uncovering stories that had,
in many cases, fallen silent over time. These were
not just names etched in stone, but real people—
husbands, fathers, brothers, and friends. Many had
lived quiet lives before their great sacrifice, and it
was the cadets' mission to ensure that their names
were spoken once more, their stories told, and their
legacies honoured.
As the guests took their seats, the Deputy
Lieutenant of South Yorkshire Major Adrian Hunt
welcomed everyone to the event, before handing
over to the host, Keith Lumley from the Victoria Cross
Trust, who introduced the trust, and the work they
do, setting the scene and laying the foundation of
the importance of the project. The statement echoed
by the Regional Coordinator for the North from the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Sam
Eccles, who addressed the room, and the importance
of the Eyes On Hands On Volunteers around the UK
who assist the CWGC with their work.
Then, it was time for the cadets, eight teams in
all to present their research on the soldiers, sailors
and airmen they chose from the 33 graves they
found, plotted and checked on the condition at the
cemetery in Adwick le Street earlier in the year. The
cadets spent over 300 hours as a collective in total