Page 13 - Cadet Review Spring 2025
P. 13

Thank you for all your efforts in promoting the cadet
photography competition and a big thank you to all
units who took the time to submit photos.
As a result of the selection process the RFCA for
Yorkshire and the Humber is pleased to announce
the winners of the 2024 Cadet Photography
Competition, which are:
First Place £250: Northallerton Detachment,
Yorkshire (North and West) Army Cadet Force,
photo taken by SSI Lewis Wilde
Second Place £150: Training Ship Sheffield, Sea
Cadet Corps, photo taken by Sub Lieutenant
Andrew Morrison
Third Place £100: 868 (Mirfield) Squadron,
South and West Yorkshire Wing RAF Air Cadets,
photo taken by Cadet Warrant Officer Katie
The competition welcomed photo submissions
from across regional units that best illustrated the
competition theme ‘Life in the Cadets’ with prize
money going towards funding units’ and squadrons’
resources for cadet activity.
Lewis said, “The photo was taken during dry
fieldcraft training during our summer camp at
Barry Buddon. Lance Corporal Jake Parkinson
was in a regroup laying in all-round defence. You
can see from his smile that he was buzzing after a
well-executed attack. I snapped a few frames of
LCpl Parkinson and other cadets, however, this
one photo really encapsulated for me ‘Life in the
Cadets’ because of his candid and natural smile and
enjoyment of the activity he had just completed.”
The unit has plans to use the prize money to buy
equipment and kit for their Duke of Edinburgh’s
award expeditions such as waterproofs and bags.
Petty Officer Tom Gregory, media officer at
Sheffield said: “This was taken on one of our boating
evenings where we had six cadets out sailing in two
of our RS Quests.
The photographer was seated in our orange safety
boat called ‘Hendos’ after the famous Sheffield
based, spicy table sauce, Henderson’s Relish.
The winning photo was taken by Staff Sergeant Instructor
Lewis Wilde from Northallerton Detachment
You can see
from his
smile that he
was buzzing
after a well-
Despite the changing or lack of wind, our cadets
never fail to have a great time on the water.”
Katie said: “This photo was taken of Cadets
Nicholas Burns and Finlay Haigh sitting in the Kirby
Cadet Glider which was on display on National Air
and Space Camp Industry Day.”
Colonel David Fuller, Vice Chairman of the RFCA
for Yorkshire and the Humber and Editor of the
Cadet Review said, “It was a pleasure to judge the
photographs, and it was an extremely difficult task
given the quality of many of them.”
However, the judging panel felt that the winning
three showed exactly was asked for in the
description of ‘Life in the Cadets’. Following the
results announcement Colonel Fuller was able to
visit two of the three winning units and present them
with their prize.
Very well done to the other entrants and do please
participate in the competition next year, you could be
one of the worthy winners, next time.
In second place was Sheffield Sea Cadets,
photo taken by Sub Lieutenant (SCC)
In third place was 868 (Mirfield) Squadron, photo
Andrew Morrison RNR
taken by Cadet Warrant Officer Katie Ashford

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