Page 39 - Cadet Review Spring 2025
P. 39
“This IACE trip is my biggest cadet career highlight for me so far. Meeting
our French counterparts in the EAJ and their staff has been a privilege and
an honour to represent the RAFAC and the UK. The greatest highlight for me
was the formal dinner where we dined with senior French officers and the
pilots from the air show liaising with them about their experiences, it was an
honour to attend.”
Cadet Warrant Officer Jenson Moore, 2008 (Bawtry) Squadron
“I was absolutely thrilled to have been selected for the France IACE trip.
I enjoyed meeting and liaising with the French Air cadets and the French
military! It was a unique and amazing experience seeing how the French Air
cadets operated and enjoying the brilliant Air show. I also loved speaking to
the French staff who stayed with us in our lovely accommodation (special
thanks to Corporal Marine) discussing the base, how it operates and its
history. Lastly, I enjoyed the foreign food and trying new things, one of
my favourite experiences from this trip was dining with the aircrew and
important officers, enjoying the delightful food and the company of them. It
was an amazing trip and brilliant memories were created.”
Flight Sergeant Maya Mistry, 250 (Halifax) Squadron
“To be given the privilege of being part of the International Air Cadet Exchange
was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, it has allowed me to gain
knowledge on how the French Air Force work and function, and speaking to
French military personnel was interesting, learning their history and what's
to come for their organisation. Meeting the French Air Cadets was a separate
experience because it shows how similar and different we are for our love of
aircraft. One of my favourite moments of the trip would be meeting the RAF
Falcons parachute display team and talking to Flt Lt Littler on her experience
working with the team and it was something I won't forget.”
Cadet Warrant Officer Abigail Fawdry, 218 (Rotherham) Squadron
“What an amazing my experience with a great group of friends, meeting the
aircrews and pilots was a great privilege and representing the UK with my
friends was the best opportunity!”
Flight Sergeant Harry Wood, 1384 (Askern) Squadron
“My visit to Istres Air Base in France with the Air Training Corps was a unique
experience, offering insight into French culture and customs. The differences
in how the French Air Force operates, from their aircraft to their protocols,
were eye-opening. It was a privilege to meet the French Air Cadets (EAJ),
share experiences, and appreciate the friendship within military aviation.”
Sergeant Ethan Moody, 860 (Mosborough) Squadron
“It’s been a privilege to go on this trip to Istres. When I joined the RAFAC 3
years ago I never thought that I’d be able to go on an IACE trip, and I feel so
lucky that it’s been such a great experience with such great people, and great
weather! Thank you to the organising staff, to the French Air Force staff who
were so welcoming to us, and to everyone who made the trip.”
Sergeant Charlotte Wallis, 148 (Barnsley) Squadron
“As my last camp away as a cadet, this French Air Cadet Exchange has been a
great adventure and the experience that it has granted me was amazing! I hope
in the future many more cadets get to have the chance to enjoy the trip as much
as I did. Our French counterparts were very welcoming and a big thank you the
hosts of the weekend! Everything about this trip made it a great finishing for
my cadet career and perfect to start my future career as a staff member!”
Cadet Warrant Officer Hannah Jenkins, 44F (Bradford) Squadron
“On this year’s IACE, my favourite thing was seeing how the French military
works and meeting the French air cadets. I made good friends with some
of them, and it was great to see how similar they were to us. The airshow as
well was incredible. Everyone was really friendly, and this has been a trip to
Flight Sergeant Robyn Bowers, 208 (North Leeds) Squadron