Page 151 - Rifles 2017 Issue No 3
P. 151
The establishment of the 8th Battalion was announced in December 2016 as a component of the Army 2020 Re ne announcements and will stand up in November 2017. While many units have been restructured or renamed, relatively few new units (let alone new Infantry Battalions) have been established in the recent past. This is an exciting opportunity and one that is good for the Regiment, the Army and the communities we serve.
In November, D Coy will resubordinate from 5 RRF with two platoons and the company headquarters based in Durham. It will then grow a new ri e platoon in Sunderland. E Coy (6 RIFLES) based in Shrewsbury will resubordinate to 8 RIFLES, less the platoon in Hereford, and will continue to grow a third ri e platoon based in Sparkbrooke, Birmingham. A new company (Y Coy) will be formed in Pontefract with a new company headquarters and two platoons. Y Coy will also assume command of the ‘old’ Y Platoon (currently in D Coy), from which the new company will take its name, based in Doncaster. Last but not least, Battalion Headquarters and HQ Coy will form up in The Eden Armoury in Bishop Auckland with a new Assault Pioneer platoon to be estab- lished in Sunderland.
When established the 8th Battalion will reinforce and build upon the success already achieved by D and E Coys to fully man and train the battalion in order to support our Regular brethren on an enduring basis. Like all Ri es battalions it will be forward looking and innovative to establish itself at the forefront of the Army whilst remaining connected to our collective rich military heritage and history.
Lieutenant Colonel NA Teale
Commanding Of cer