Page 114 - Mercian Eagle 2016
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                                   Members of the Stockport Branch MVRA at their Bi-Annual Shooting Day
Members of the Stockport Branch CRA and MVRA at the 2016 Annual Crich Memorial Service
this tradition has continued since then. An excellent evening was had by all and following the meal we retired to the Armoury for a
few late night drinks. The event was again organised by Pete Marsh and our thanks go out to him for organising this event.
25 members and their families from the Stockport Branches of the CRA and MVRA attended the Annual Crich Memorial Service
Members of the Stockport Branch MVRA Peter Marsh of Stockport Branch Fishing Club on the River Dean fishing on the River Dean.
  On Saturday 27 Aug 16, members of the Cheshire Regiment Association, Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association, Mortar Platoon of 4 Mercian and members of A Detachment 207 Field Hospital all based at The Armoury Stockport completed a 26 Km sponsored walk
in 2016. They paraded 4 standards, the Mercian Regiment Association, Cheshire County, Cheshire Regiment Association Stockport Branch and MVRA Stockport Branch Standards.
It was good to see the Nottingham Standard also on parade and Major Lawrence Chell TD, laid a wreath on behalf of the Association
On the 31 July 2017 sixty members of the MVRA and CRA along with 150 guests attended the annual St Julien Church Service in Stockport. The guest of honour was the Mayor and Lady Mayoress of Stockport; following the service we retired to The Armoury for a buffet provided by the Trustees and an opportunity to meet some old friends. This was the 99th year to the day the battle was fought and its described as Stockport’s worst day. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the battle 55 members of the MVRA and CRA will be conducting a battlefield tour in 2017.
On Saturday 27 Aug 16, members of the Cheshire Regiment Association, Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association, Mortar Platoon of 4 MERCIAN and members of A Detachment 207 Field Hospital all based at The Armoury Stockport completed a 26 Km sponsored walk to raise funds for both their respective Associations and other charities. They walked from Stockport, along the scenic River Mersey to Sale where they enjoyed a pub lunch, and then a walk back. The Mortar Platoon contingent decided
to do some additional fitness training and speed marched back to the start. Special note should go to our most senior walker Keith Mort – Cheshire (seen above in the red hat) who at the age of 72 completed the walk with ease. Several thousand pounds were raised in total and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable day and are looking forward to the 2017 walk.
Walsall Branch
At the May Social Evening at the ‘Avery ‘Club, New Invention, Willenhall, Mr John
Kirk Chairman of the Walsall Branch of the Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association supported by members from the Association, and members from the Staffordshire Regiment Association, The Cheshire Regiment Association and the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Association received a cheque for £1500 from the
Walsall branches of the Staffordshire Regiment Association and the Mercian Volunteers Regimental Association at the Service held at the Barr Beacon Memorial
Secretary of the Avery Club to be donated to the charity, ‘Combat Stress. Members attended the Annual Remembrance Service at Barr Beacon with their Staffordshire Regiment Association colleagues. This service brings together a large group of the Community and local school Children. This year there was large representative group from Land Rover Jaguar.
Raffle ticket time at Walsall Branches’ Christmas party

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