Page 15 - Eagle Eye Autumn 2022
P. 15

 RAF Wyton
Forces Day
by Sgt Dane Richards and Cpl Stu May
On the 25th June, below Blue Skies and fair winds, Armed Forces day was celebrated at RAF Wyton. The event was attended by 3000 people including VIPs such as the Mayor of St Ives and Huntingdon.
It was the largest event that the station has put on for many years as the station commander wanted to roll both Armed Forces Day and Families Day into one, creating a larger more inclusive event and one in which local members of the public could also be invited. Whilst a Families Day event was celebrated in 2021, this event had a different feel and was much bigger than anything that could have been done for a purely Families Day event.
The organising committee was led by Cpl Stuart May and Sgt Dane Richards and was made up of 15 personnel from across the station. On the lead up to and the day itself there was an additional 15 personnel who volunteered to assist in the set up and running on the day. There was also approximately 80 RAF Air Cadets and Army Cadets in attendance to assist on the day itself.
So much went on through the day. There was a food court that filled much of the Hangar offering a wide range of food and drink. Personnel that chose to sit within were entertained by the RAF Wyton Area Voluntary Band, The Swingsetters and The Military Wives Choir. A Bus bar was also outside in attendance with a DJ playing throughout the day. The MOD Police were also present, displaying much of their equipment as well as demonstrating the skills of their working
dogs. 42 (Geo) Regiment Royal Engineers showcased many of their capabilities, including a Dive Tank, Bridge Building, Crane Operation and they also had a Paintball range. RAF related historic displays for the day were provided in the form of 11 Group RAF Reenactors, who set up a Second World War dispersal area on the airfield and were complimented by a static spitfire. The Knights of Honour were also in attendance showing off their Archery and Medieval fighting skills. The RAF Air Cadets from Beds and Cambs Wing, led by 2331 St Ives Sqn, set up a ‘Cadet Village’ depicting all the fantastic opportunities young people have as part of the RAFAC. If all that wasn’t enough there was rides and inflatables for people of all ages and many clubs from the station set up
stands throughout the event area to display what they get up to.
An aerial display was provided by a Spitfire from the BBMF. It is hoped to expand on this massively next year with many more aircraft in attendance.
Many good causes benefitted from the event as charity stands were set up to publicize, sell souvenirs and collect money. These were the Royal Navy Association, Mid Anglia General Practitioner Accident service (MAGPAS), Raptor Foundation, RBL and SAFFA.
There will be a similar event planned next year to be held near Armed Forces Day, in which once again both personnel at RAF Wyton and people from the local area will be invited. It is hoped that advertising for next year’s event to be advertised early in 2023.

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