Page 65 - The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
P. 65

Tilly Rabbit had packed Charlie’s rucksack with cress rolls, seed cake and slices of vegetable pizza. He was due in Barns Wood tonight before eight o’clock and for the past two days had been building a new home for the mink, who called himself Brownie.
The animal had been spotted loitering in the meadow when Willow Heron flew across the valley. Charlie Rabbit was intrigued. After searching along the river, he had found the mink and talked to him briefly. The animal had said that he was searching for a place to live before his family arrived. Reluctantly, Charlie had befriended the mink, although he was often patronising and at times, seemed ignorant of woodland ways. It was difficult for Charlie to show a genuine regard for it, but he did his best.

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