Page 66 - The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
P. 66

The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
He agreed to build a home for the mink and had deliberately constructed it on soft soil that had been washed away whenever the river water rose. A true mink would have never accepted such an unsafe place for himself or family. In fact, this creature had no idea how mink lived.
The animal was never left unguarded for a moment. The rabbit had prepared a day and night rota and this evening, took the first shift. When Charlie finished his shift, Otter took the second, followed by Edward, Yappy Pigeon and a host of animals.
So far, the mink had never been seen leaving his home and the animals began to wonder if he was truly waiting for his family to arrive.
‘He’s no more a mink than I am, and Charlie thinks the same,’ grumbled Otter to Badger when he finished his shift. ‘I’m glad to get away from him for a while.’
‘I have something that might interest you, Otter. Come and take a look,’ said Badger.
‘What’s all this stuff?’ asked the Otter grabbing a piece of stringy net outside Badger’s front door.
‘It’s called camouflage netting. Mr Weston’s friend left it in Top Field after he’d built a tent. Sam and Alfie brought it here in a cart. We have been dotting it all around the garden. Behind you are Ronnie and Rocky Gull. From their vantage point, they can see the entire garden and more importantly, the hammock.’
‘He must know by now where Sophia is; so why hasn’t he been nosing around?’

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