Page 48 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 48

 Reverend Mike Rutter
Having previously served as Chaplain to 1 RLC and 3 Rifles I was very excited to serve with SCOTS DG. I am sure every Padre understands what a great privilege it is to serve with the Royal SCOTS DG: I was particu- larly excited having meet several Scots DG personal before. I joined the unit in January 2022 following the departure of Padre Andy Oliver: I will start by saying how proud I am to serve alongside some of the very best service personal that the British Army has to offer during my tie here. I have been privileged to be involved with lots of activities during my time in Leuchars, community events, helping our local primary school and Remembrance Sunday Services to but a few. All these memories I will treasure but the one I that is at the for front of my mind is that of being the Padre with the Long Range Reconnaissance Group lead by Colonel Ben.
In the photos you can see the Church in Camp Castor in Gao, Mali. This is a shared space between Germany, Sweden and ourselves. For me the bell tower is quite beautiful and reminds me
Inside the Church in Camp Castor, Mali
As you can see from the photos the Church here is different to the Kirk we have back at Leuchars. It’s smaller but is a beautiful and quiet space where, from
time to time, I will find our soldiers sitting having found a quiet spot to reflect and think about things. Spending time alone whilst being on an operation is more of a luxury than you would think. It’s made
 of home, which is really important whilst deployed away. We are very fortunate on this deployment that there is very good WiFi. Being able to ring Leuchars and to feel connected to our families
has been an essential link back home. All of our soldiers out here have performed really well and, although wasn’t what they expected, they have taken to their new task with great professionalism.
me think about the Kirk maybe it’s time to leave it open a lot more so that we can give our people a chance to stop and think and, in this busy
world, to just take a moment.
As we prepare to return to Leuchars you can rest assured that I will be praying for a safe return and exciting rest of the
year ahead.
 The Church in Camp Castor, Mali

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