Page 65 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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expertly shooting three hinds. After a very long and wet last day, Tpr Sharpe’s sense of humour failure was narrowly averted by dropping three deer in the last ten minutes of light. Although the last three days were a challenge, due to the stalking skill of our hosts we still managed to end up with plenty of beasts in the larder.
The stalking trip this year turned out to be an outstanding success. Everyone who made the trip up from Leuchars managed to shoot their first deer. This trip allows soldiers to experience an age-old highland tradition whilst improving their marksmanship, fitness and their ability to read the ground. It is only made possible by the generosity by the Ramsays’ and their stalkers who every year allow us to stay and stalk at South Chesthill. Stalking parties were also accommodated at Easter Logie, North Chesthill and Blackmount estates hosted by Brigadier Sir Mel Jameson, Mr Alisdair Riddle and Philip Fleming respectively. Their generosity is the reason why so many soldiers are given this wonderful opportunity every year.

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