Page 66 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
P. 66

  In Home Headquarters, 2022 was initially quieter than 2021 because there was not a major regimental event to support. However, following the death of Her Majesty The Queen, our Colonel-in-Chief, on 8 September, the Headquarters played a supporting role to the wider regimental family that were involved in Operation LONDON BRIDGE and Operation UNICORN. The events are recorded elsewhere in the magazine but there is no doubt the death of Her Majesty came as a shock and the days following it were very emotional for the whole country. Home Headquarters was contacted for quotes, articles and pictures for various publications and for details of the taking part in the various parades for commentary purposes. In addition, a wreath was sent on behalf of the Regiment and placed alongside others at Windsor Castle on the day of Her Late Majesty’s funeral. The Regimental Secretary represented the regiment at the Service of Thanksgiving in St Giles Cathedral on 12 September and the Colonel of the Regiment went to the Scottish Parliament on the same day to listen to the motion of condolence being given to His Majesty The King and his reply to it, before meeting the Queen Consort at a subsequent reception.
The Home Headquarters team and, in particular the Assistant Regimental Secretary, have been heavily
Michael Worthington with the painting of the Charge of the 3rd Dragoon Guards at Honnechy which his grandfather led
involved in taking forward the Regimental Website under the guidance of Mr Alan Connor, the web developer and the encouragement of Captain Christian Melville who has led the working group with a huge amount of enthusiasm and care, tempered with realism. After the website went live in 2021, the major two remaining phases were to upload the Shop onto it and introduce the Regimental Directory. This is a secure platform which allows members of the Regiment to connect with others. This was all completed by 10 February and details of how to sign up were promulgated on the same day.
 Regimental members of The Queen’s Body Guard for Scotland Royal Company of Archers who were on parade

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