Page 68 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 It has been an incredibly busy year for the Museum as we were finally able to return to normal and saw visitor numbers increase as the Castle opened up.
The biggest change in the Gallery has been the instal- lation of our new Operation Granby display. This has been very popular, particularly with those who served in the Operation. The gas masks and decontamination kits attract the attention of most visitors but the bluey letters and postcards that were sent with well wishes have definitely brought back memories to most veterans.
There have been smaller changes to other displays as we have started to put items acquired during lockdown into the cases. In particular our First World War case now holds the medals awarded to Brigadier- General Long. His career with the Scots Greys tells the regimental story through South Africa, the close relationship with Tsar Nicholas II and the First World War. An article about Brigadier-General Long previously appeared in the 2016 Eagle and Carbine. We were delighted in September when his granddaughter and great-granddaughter were able to come and see the collection on display. This collection was purchased
The Colonel of the Regiment admiring the OP GRANBY case in the Museum
after successfully applying to the National Fund for Acquisitions for support.
Our display screens in the corridor have also seen changes in the last year. Using our fantastic archive we have been able to produce displays marking the 50th anniversary of Amazing Grace and a slideshow of regimental images as well.
In April we received funding from the Army Museums Ogilby Trust for our Regimental Family Project. One of the key components to this is producing a film with relatives of serving and ex-serving soldiers. The film gives the interviewees an opportunity to tell our visitors how they have been supported by the Regiment and how they support those serving. It represents a new approach to our Museum interpretation where we recognise that our visitors want to hear personal stories of soldiers and their families.
We have also developed a volunteer project both in the Castle and on Microsoft Teams. Our fantastic selection
The Walter Long display in the Museum

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