Page 67 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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Like the rest of the country the continued easing of the COVID restrictions over the year was very welcome in Home Headquarters and allowed most events and activities to be planned along pre-COVID lines. In spring the Headquarters supported Branches’ organising their social events; in particular, help was given to the North-East and Musicians’ Branches as they were restructuring their committees. Many of the events were very well attended, and it was comforting that there was a good turnout at the Cavalry Memorial Parade and subsequent Officers’ Lunch in May. The Officers’ Dinner took place earlier than normal in 2022 – on 21 October – in the New Club, Edinburgh. This was designed to accommodate the serving regiment before they went to Mali. As it was, some of the them were still completing their pre-deployment training and so contributed to the lower numbers than normal. However, the fifty-eight people who attended it enjoyed the evening and were excellently entertained by three pipers from the Regiment - the Pipe Major, Corporal Jardine and Trooper Mackay.
As far as the routine meetings were concerned, most were attended in person, although there were some hybrid meetings and there was an acceptance that Zoom, Teams and hybrid meetings would have a place in the future.
At the beginning of the year, the Headquarters was particularly pleased to welcome three different groups of the regimental family to the Castle in January. The first group was six potential officers who were on a regimental visit from Sandhurst, then thirteen
Visit by members of the Regiment to Home HQ and the Museum on 20 January 2022
troopers from the Regiment came to learn about the Regimental Trust, the Shop and the Association, and to visit the Museum. It was hoped this was just the first of many similar visits in the future. The third visit was by the office bearers of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Branches of the Association. This was a great opportunity for the Regimental Secretary and the Assistant Regimental Secretary to hear the views about the Association from their perspective and to discuss future events. It is hoped these meetings can be held more frequently. Another visit of note which was organised from Home Headquarters was that of Michael Worthington who visited the Officers’ Mess at Leuchars on 15 May to view the Lionel Edwards painting of the Charge at the Battle of Honnechy, which was led by Michael’s grandfather, Captain Holt MC.
 The Front Rank at the Cavalry Memorial Parade

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