Page 69 - RSDG Year of 2022 CREST
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 Happy faces at the Craft activities day at Leuchars run by the Museum staff
of photographs too often have no date or names. Veterans have been helping to identify familiar faces in the collection – often accompanied with stories that cannot be used in museum exhibitions! This project is really important so we can add as much information to our collection database as possible. It will help the Museum team in years to come make use of them in displays or even answer enquiries from future family members.
A big development for the Museum this year has been learning and engagement. The Museum is very lucky to share a Learning Officer with the Royal Scots and Royal Regiment of Scotland museums. We run joint learning sessions with schools coming to learn about World War 2 and are told of the Battle of Nunshigum where they are encouraged to think about how they would react in the same situation, the importance of teamwork, communication and an appreciation of the scale of World War 2. This year we have also visited Leuchars to work with the Welfare Team to deliver craft activities. These have been really popular and we hope to carry on running these during school holidays. We recognise that it is important for the Museum to get out of the Castle and, where possible, offer something to the SCOTS DG community. We have
been amazed at the feedback and enthusiasm from the children and parents. It has definitely
been a highlight of the year
for us.
The last 12 months have also seen significant additions
to the Museum collection. New items have included a Bath rugby shirt worn by Lance
Corporal Rokoduguni, a generous donation including the Commanding Officers’s pennant and tank suit of Brigadier Hugh Blackman from Operation TELIC, items that belonged to Arthur Freer including a lovely 3rd Carabiniers match box made from a tank shell and most recently the donation of a beautifully carved side table made in India with the 3rd Carabiniers badge on it.
In 2023 we are planning to continue renew displays in the gallery including the sports case. We will also be hoping to make inroads into our archive so that it can be documented to the highest level. Items from 1900-1929 will be made available through The Ogilby Muster, an online database run by the Army Museums Ogilby Trust which has digitised thousands of pages for us and other regimental museums. We will also continue to look at ways we can support and engage with the Regiment, its families and the veterans.
After almost two years of low sale figures, 2022 saw a turnround in the fortune of the Shop. While not reaching the high turnover of the last year before the pandemic, the figures for 2022 have been pleasingly good. The result is that at the end of the 2022-23
Financial Year there should be profits to distribute to the Regiment’s two charitable trusts, although the exact amount will not be known until after the year end, the last day of February. A consequence of the pandemic was that a number of the Shop’s suppliers stopped trading as they could not access their own suppliers but, in most

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