Page 56 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2023
P. 56

                                 Midland Branch
 Chair’s Report
At the time of writing, we are in the process of organising the Branch Championships at Malvern which, by
the time you read this, will have already taken place. Old friends together will have caught up on their news and new acquaintances made. Some of our members will have received well-earned prizes, if you are not one of them, don’t give up, there is always another time, though whether it will be at Malvern remains to be seen. It depends on whether more people come forward at the next AGM in March to be committee members as the few of us currently on the committee need more help in order to move the Branch forward. Let’s just say that the majority of us are ‘of a certain age’ and younger blood would be welcomed.
I would like to thank those members
who helped to make the Malvern Spring Festival a success. Several members grew plants to sell, thus raising welcome funds for the Branch, and to those who gave up their time to man the stand, our grateful thanks. Sandra Hall received, on behalf
of the Branch, a long service award from the Three Counties Agricultural Society, in recognition of the fact that the Branch has supported the Spring Festival for the 37 years it has been in operation.
Unfortunately, we were unable to take part in the Shrewsbury Flower Show this year, due to the lack of help available.
Congratulations are due to Martyn Strange on being awarded a Silver Medal. Martyn has been a member of the Society since 1994, has been a committee member for many years and has been a well- respected judge since 2000. Fellowships were awarded to David Lowndes and
Robert Heigham for services to the Society in many aspects. All awards were richly deserved.
On a sad note the Society lost one of
its Vice-Presidents and a long standing, stalwart of the Midlands Branch, Bill Thornton. at the ripe old age of 94. Bill was Chairman of the Branch for many years and a well-known figure in the Society. The Branch extends its condolences to Bill’s family.
Now the main gardening season is over, have a rest in readiness to start again. Let’s hope the weather in the coming months will be more favourable than the current season has been.
Happy gardening, whether it be for kitchen or exhibition.
June Davies, FNVS
Bill Thornton 1929-2023
I am saddened to inform you that Bill Thornton passed away on the 17th July 2023, aged 93, husband of the late Brenda.
Bill was one of the early members of the Midlands Branch when it was formed back in the 1970s, joining the Society at Clacks Farm in 1977, his work for the Society spanned over four decades from the early days as a committee member to becoming chair of the Midlands branch from 1988-2003. He then became president of the branch where his knowledge and enthusiasm continued to support the society. As well
as being a judge he was also show manager for the branch
for over 25 years overseeing many shows, including several National championships. Bill also served for many years on the National executive committee as it was known then before it became the board of Trustees. He was awarded the society’s Gold medal in 1992 for his services. He was also one of only a few National vice presidents to serve our society.
During the 1990s and early 00s I had the pleasure of working closely with Bill as secretary for the branch, I will remember Bill as a very popular and well-liked person, extremely knowledgeable and a great ambassador of the Society. He was instrumental in developing the strong links that we have today with both Malvern Spring Show and later the Autumn Show,
in fact Bill served on the three counties show committee for many years. Bill also led the Midlands branch to the Garden festival, which was held at Stoke in 1986, followed by the formation of the first DA in the Midlands.
The society is indebted to the early pioneering work that Bill did together with his wife Brenda for laying down the foundations for the Midland Branch and the further development of our society.
Our thoughts and condolences go out to his children Susan, Christine and David and their families at this time.
Mark Hall BEM, FNVS
 56 Simply Vegetables
MEMBERS 10000 TO 19999

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