Page 27 - Thrapston Life March 2022
P. 27

                                 ROTARY CLUB
Special Christmas event...
Unfortunately we had to cancel this year’s Rotary Young Musician event because of the high incidence of Covid at the time it was due to take place. However, a special event took place during the Christmas holidays that brought much pleasure to one of our honorary members.
Alan, one of the founder members of our club, now lives at a care home in Ringstead. Alan was always a key member of the team involved in our Rotary Young Musician Festival. He always helped the adjudicator. Imagine his surprise when a new care assistant appeared at the care home and recognised Alan. It turned out that Henry Grant was now studying the viola at the Royal Northern College of Music
in Manchester but was home for Christmas and working part time at the care home. Henry offered to come back and play his viola at the care home. Alan was thrilled and took up the
offer. Henry played Sonata No4 by Hindersmith. To quote Alan, “It was obvious that he had a unique relationship with the instrument... the performance was exceptional! I sat, stunned, and really couldn’t believe it, but there, in front of me, was a real, musician! The accuracy of
the fingering, and the pitch of each note in the very complex cadences clearly and confidently stated, made it, for me, a lifetime unforgettable experience. He will go far in the music world.”
Thank you Henry for making Alan’s day. We all wish you well for your future in music.
The Rotary Club is now meeting in person, on Tuesdays at the Bell Inn, Little Addington.
Further details about Rotary can be found on the Thrapston and Raunds Rotary Club Facebook page.

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