Page 34 - QDG 2023
P. 34

1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards
This has been another extremely busy year for the LAD. Supporting three multi-national exercises and two Op CABRIT(P) PDTs, fitting in anything other than work has been quite the challenge. As a team of 39 soldiers and one officer, there is no doubt that everyone has excelled in not only pulling their weight as individuals, but also as members of the team. There is no doubt that the QDG LAD is the best LAD in the 1 DRS BCT and perhaps the Army.
At the start of the year, the LAD went straight into enabling the QDG’s deploy- ment on Ex WARFIGHTER, where both C Sqn and elements of HQ Sqn Fitter Section acted as OPFOR and 3XX RLS. Concurrently, B Sqn Ftr Sect deployed on Ex DESERT WARRIOR - an STTT to Kuwait and led by (then) Cpl Quant, the team assisted in the successful training of the Kuwaiti armed forces. Around the same time, A Sqn Ftr Sect started PDT for ROTO 14 of Op CABRIT(P). Led by SSgt Ormston, members of the Ftr Sect joined in with driver training and mounted live firing, whilst always maintaining the necessary equipment availability. The PDT culminated in delivering effective Equipment Support (ES) on Ex SABER JUNCTION, with the A Sqn Ftr Sect managing to be its own best customer.
The LAD celebrated its upcoming
The LAD dinner night
        None were technically taskworthy

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